Signs you're over-engineering

(and how you to avoid it)

— Christopher Kade, Front-end Engineer

I'm Christopher

Front-end Engineer @Openclassrooms



Some causes of over-engineering

Unrealistic testing policies

(test coverage isn't always the answer)

The Pareto Principle

(aka the 80/20 rule)

80% of the result usually comes from 20% of the effort

What's not worth testing?

One of the most important skills a testing expert possesses is the ability to identify the most important functions to test.

From the Second Principle of the ISTQB

Indirection & abstraction

(creating complexity for its own sake)

The Rule of 3

(three clients call for an abstraction)

Good rule of thumb, not universal

Good abstraction is extracted, not designed

What's a bad example of abstraction

What about indirection?

Wrong tools for the wrong task

(following the rule of cool)

Not following YAGNI

(you're not gonna need it)

Signs you're over-engineering

By christopherkade

Signs you're over-engineering

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