What is Accessibility?
Why should we bother?
A11Y at OpenClassrooms
What is accessibility?
the quality of being able to be entered or used by everyone, including people who have a disability

the quality of being able to be entered or used by everyone, including people who have a disability

What about web a11y?
(a website, having) the quality of being able to be used by everyone, including people who have a disability

Why should we bother?
1B people on the planet live with a disability
Source: World Health Organization 2022
& 110 million have significant difficulties in functionning
Disabilities can be broken down into 3 categories
Permanent (such as visual impairment)
Temporary (such as a broken finger)
Situational (or contextual)
Types of disabilities
Visual (blindness, low vision, color blindness)
Hearing (deafness and hearing impairment)
Physical (inability to use a mouse, slower response time, limited fine motor control)
Cognitive (dyslexia and other learning disabilities, distractibility)
There are many benefits of focusing on a11y
Overall UX improvements
Legal protection
Demo time !
High luminance
Color blindness
Big/small font sizes
Animation sentivity
Button and link size
Hover/focus states
The importance of having a clear layout

"OpenClassroom's PXT team is truly amazing"
"A group of OpenClassrooms colleagues standing
behind a sign spelling "Education""
Image description
Screen reader
Screen reader demo
A11Y at
Current state of affairs
OpenClassrooms is already doing great work towards a11y

Mentors with awareness of disabilities
Internal comity about RQTH
Documented usages around A11Y in

Content A11Y guidelines on ZeroHeight


Potential improvements


Hide it here for screen readers

Tools & resources
For everyone:
The internet's A11Y problem (TED Talk) by Clive Loseby
Accessibility and inclusive design on Coursera
Accessibility for Everyone (Book) by Laura Kalbag
Final thoughts
a11y is a team effort
a11y pitfalls can be spotted as early as the first mockup
tools can help but nothing beats manual testing and knowledge
a11y helps people with disabilities and everyone else (in)directly
Thank you for listening !
Q&A time
- Web Accessibility Simulator
- Axe Devtools
- Aria Devtools
- British Gov Guidelines
- A11Y Principle on ZeroHeight
- About RQTH (in French)
Making Education Accessible (OpenClassrooms PXT Sharing)
By christopherkade
Making Education Accessible (OpenClassrooms PXT Sharing)
- 184