Hi Everyone! My name is Chelsea and I’m part of the Wise House Oils team! I’m so excited to have you join me for our Roller Recipe class! I hope that you’ll learn a few new things and that you’ll enjoy our time together!

A little bit about me:
👉I’m a mother to 2 amazing girls who are 7 and 13--both going on 21. I’m sure many of you can relate. #theyarewhyIneedoils. 🤣
👉I’m married to an incredible man who has found a love for oils and puts up with all of my crazy. He’s pretty handy and pretty awesome. 💗
👉I was born and raised in Atlanta. The weather here is crazy and right now it’s about 593287283729 degrees. 🌞🔥#thankyouPeppermintOil. Also, everything you’ve ever heard regarding Atlanta traffic is probably true. (This is exactly why I have a car diffuser and Stress Away).
👉I work full-time still in real estate and I have a background in marketing, photography, and I enjoy just about anything crafty or involving paint.
👉I’ve been doing Young Living for about a year and a half. I never thought I’d work in Network Marketing. For real, I hated the idea of being “salesy” and I thought the entire MLM concept was ridiculous. Obviously, I. Was. Wrong.


This class is going to give you lots of new recipes that you can use in everyday life! There’s something here for everyone! You may notice that some of the graphics show crystals being used in rollers as well. If you aren’t familiar with this, here’s a neat article with a little more info! http://bit.ly/oilscrystals

I’m so excited to share this class with you all!

R O L L I N G  O I L S  A L L  O V E R
Essential Oils can be used aromatically, internally, and topically. Today we’re going to talk about using oils topically for targeted uses. EO’s are fat soluble, so they absorb into our skin quickly and can work with our bodies. The topical use of essential oils is one of the most popular. Once you get the hang of this application, it will probably be one of your favorites! Usually, finding out how to use essential oils on the skin is what turns most people from casual oil users to devotees.

🤦‍♀️Use your head, literally! Essential oils can be applied to the crown of your head, behind the ears, to your neck, and to your temples. In aromatherapy, many people choose to apply essential oils to the tops and soles of the feet. If the aroma of an oil is too strong, or your skin is sensitive, you can dilute it with a carrier oil. Young Living’s V-6™ Vegetable Oil Complex lets you adjust the strength of the oil according to your preference. You can apply essential oils to most parts of your body, but you want to be cautious of your most sensitive skin.

Why use rollers? Well, the answer is simple. It makes it super easy to use your oils. Many roller blends have a specific purpose, and having each oil in the blend easily accessible at once makes it so much easier to grab and use quickly.

👀W H E R E  D O  I  G E T  R O L L E R  B O T T L E S?

👉There are many places to order roller bottles from. I usually order them from Amazon. Here’s a link for some that I’ve used: http://bit.ly/bluerollerbottles

I find that roller bottles with metal balls are best. If you use plastic roller tops, the plastic tends to breakdown over time which causes the balls to fall out or leak. If you’ve ordered a Premium Starter Kit from Young Living, you probably received a black bottle top and a metal aromaglide filament that you can use to turn any of your oil bottles into a roller as well!

W E L L N E S S  R O L L E R

To make a roller bottle blend, we’re going to take an empty roller bottle and add the following amounts of EO’s to the bottle. Once the EO’s are in, we’ll top off the bottle with a carrier oil (I usually use Young Living’s V-6 blend, but you can use fractionated coconut oil, olive oil, safflower oil, sunflower oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil, almond oil, etc.). With your carrier oil. make sure you choose a liquid oil. Please don’t use butter, margarine, shortening or synthetic oils.

🌟Pro tip: Jojoba oil (Pronounced: ho-ho-bah) is great for your face and Sunflower seed oil has a long shelf life. You can also make separate rollers for mixes you’ll use on different body parts (one wellness roller for the bottom of feet and one for along your spine)

Before you start dripping in your essential oils into your roller bottles, take a peek at the dispenser (this is the semi-opaque piece you see under the white lid). The essential oil does not drop out of that larger, center hole; there’s a pin-prick sized hole in the recessed circle. That pin-prick hole size varies depending on the viscosity of the EO (example: citrus oils are very thin and come out fast, so the hole is small).

This next part seems easy, right? Place roller top on bottle, twist & seal shut! But sometimes the roller top can be a bit stubborn. But guess what? You don’t need to push too hard because they will seal well once you screw that cap back on. So don’t strain too hard if it isn’t fitting, try using the lid to help you!

Once you’ve capped it off, give your new roller a good shake to mix it up! You don’t need to shake it too hard, but a little bit now and then before you use it will ensure everything stays blended!

Let’s get started with these roller recipes!!

W E L L N E S S  R O L L E R
💧10 drops Thieves
💧10 drops Oregano
💧10 drops Frankincense
💧10 drops Lemon
💧Top off the bottle with carrier oil


You can also use the Vitality forms of these oils! The Vitality forms of these can be used internally to give you an extra kick of immune support! I like to put a couple drops of each into a veggie capsule to keep my immune system up!

H A P P Y  R O L L E R


There are many essential oils that can help with emotions and moods. How, you may ask? The limbic system of the brain plays a powerful role in creating different emotions and feelings. It is often called “the emotional switchboard of the brain” because it’s responsible for carrying sensory input from the environment to the hypothalamus and then from the hypothalamus to other parts of the body.

EO’s can have dramatic effects on limbic function, your emotional state, and how you feel. This is directly related to their strong aromatic fragrance. EO’s contain volatile molecules that can make their way into your bloodstream and many can travel directly through the blood/brain barrier very quickly.


H A P P Y  R O L L E R
💧12 drops Joy
💧 6 drops Orange
💧 Fill the rest with carrier oil


Joy EO contains Geranium, Rose, Lemon and Ylang Ylang! Talk about a powerhouse! Rose has one of the highest frequencies of any essential oil! It’s amazing for mood boosting!


While known for their bright, summery scents, citrus oils are among the most common essential oils that cause photosensitivity. That’s because compounds found in citrus oils—known as furanocoumarins—greatly increase UV sensitivity. And while most photosensitive oils are citrus, other oils can contain compounds or mixes of compounds that have the same effect as furanocoumarins, meaning they’re not sun-safe either. Always check the label before application to determine the oil’s photosensitivity. For more info on this, check out this YL blog post.

Here are a couple more mood enhancing roller recipes to try!

H A P P Y  P L A C E
💧2 drops Bergamot
💧2 drops Clary Sage
💧6 drops Frankincense
💧2 drops Orange
💧2 drops Grapefruit
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil


M O O D  S H I F T E R
💧5 drops Patchouli
💧5 drops Joy
💧5 drops Cedarwood
💧5 drops Valor
💧5 drops Basil
💧5 drops Vetiver
Fill the rest with carrier oil

F O C U S  R O L L E R


💧14 drops Clarity
💧6 drops Peppermint
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil


This is just one option for a focus roller, and the amount and/or any additional oil can be adjusted per personal preference.

I like to apply focus rollers to the vita flex point on my big toe or on the back of neck and forehead. Not sure what Vita-Flex points are? Google it! You’ll be amazed! 👀

Clarity contains a blend of Basil, Rosemary, Peppermint and more! This is one of my favorites for helping me to focus and really get things done. It invites a sense of clarity and alertness! Peppermint is a great addition to use with Clarity. (I’ve heard some call this the “Homework Enforcer”!) This is a great blend for adults and kids!

Another good roller recipe for focus is:

💧15 drops Vetiver
💧15 drops Lavender
💧15 drops Cedarwood
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

P R E- W O R K O U T  R O L L E R
💧13 drops Motivation
💧7 drops Peppermint
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil


A pre-workout roller is great for both invigorating and motivation, depending on the oils you use. This is just one option for a pre-workout roller, and the amount and/or any additional oil can be adjusted per personal preference.

Motivation EO promotes feelings of action and accomplishment. It contains a blend of Roman Chamomile, Spruce, Ylang Ylang and Lavender. Paired up with Peppermint, you’re sure to reach your workout goals!

Another great combo would be R.C. and Lemon - to help invigorate and maintain focus, as well as all the other benefits that those oils provide.

W A K E U P & W O R K O U T  R O L L E R
💧15 drops of R.C.
💧12 drops Peppermint
💧3 drops Eucalyptus Radiata
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

P O S T- W O R K O U T  R O L L E R
💧13 drops Panaway
💧7 drops Copaiba
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil


This is just one option for a post-workout roller, and the amount and/or any additional oil can be adjusted per personal preference.

Panaway contains Wintergreen, Helichrysum, Clove and Peppermint. This combination is great for easing sore muscles and gives a pleasant cooling sensation after a workout! Want to know more? Research the naturally occurring constituents methyl salicylate and eugenol for more info on why this blend is one you won’t want to leave home without!

Copaiba is steam distilled from the gum resin tapped from the copaiba tree in Brazil. It’s known for it’s sweet aroma and includes naturally occurring beta-caryophyllene and alpha-humulene. (Big words-- look those up! You’ll be amazed!)

💧💧💧Another roller recipe that I love is one that Young Living actually sells pre-made! Deep Relief is a pre-made roller of Peppermint, Lemon, Balsam Canada, Clove, Coconut oil, Wintergreen, Vetiver, Helichrysum and Dorado Azul. If you haven’t tried it, do it. It’s amazing!

C O N F I D E N C E  R O L L E R
💧13 drops Valor
💧7 drops Frankincense
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

The confidence roller helps promote feelings of confidence and is great for stressful situations or heading to work or school or before a big project. The calming effect of Frankincense with the confidence boost of Valor makes a wonderful combination! This is just one option for a confidence roller, and the amount and/or any additional oil can be adjusted per personal preference

🦄Valor contains Black Spruce, Camphor wood, Geranium, Blue Tansy and Frankincense. Valor has a woodsy, grounding aroma that is great for massages and other topical and aromatic uses. Use it to greet each morning with a positive attitude or to refocus at the end of a challenging day. This is what I call my “Do-the-hard-things” oil. I don’t leave home without putting it on! For real. It’s that good.

🌱Frankincense essential oil has a broad range of uses, from enhancing spiritual and meditative practice to use in beauty routines. Frankincense has an earthy, uplifting aroma that’s perfect for grounding and spiritual connectedness. Create a safe and comforting environment by diffusing this oil’s empowering aroma, particularly when you are seeking purpose or engaged in prayer or meditation.

Here’s another great confidence roller recipe!

// B O S S B A B E  R O L L E R //
(don’t worry, it’s good for our Dudes too!🤣)
💧10 drops Abundance
💧3 drops Lemon
💧3 drops Frankincense
💧5 drops Orange
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

H A P P Y  S K I N  R O L L E R


💧10 drops Kunzea
💧10 drops Frankincense
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

Kunzea and Frankincense are used in this roller to help reduce the appearance of blemishes and enhance the appearance of healthy looking skin. This is just one option for a Happy Skin Roller, and the amount and/or any additional oil can be adjusted per personal preference

Kunzea is new and has similar cleansing and purifying qualities to Tea Tree. If you don’t have Kunzea, you can substitute it with Manuka or Tea Tree.

In addition to elevated spiritual experiences, Frankincense can help you maintain the appearance of radiant skin. Its ability to smooth the appearance of healthy skin explains why this oil is a key ingredient in our Boswellia Wrinkle Cream™.

Here’s another great roller for your skin!

// F A C E  S E R U M  R O L L E R //
💧10 drops Frankincense
💧10 drops Lavender
💧10 drops Melrose
💧5 drops Purification
💧5 drops Lemon
💧Fill half with jojoba oil and half with grapeseed oil!

N I G H T T I M E  R O L L E R  F O R  K I D S
💧15 drops SleepyIze
💧5 drops Lavender
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil


The nighttime roller for kids includes oils that are safe and best for kids to get a good night’s sleep as part of a nighttime routine. This is just one option for a nighttime roller for kids, and the amount and/or any additional oil can be adjusted per personal preference.

SleepyIze contains Lavender, Geranium, Roman Chamomile, Tangerine, Bergamot, Sacred Frankincense, Valerian, and Rue. SleepyIze is already diluted and is specially formulated for kids. Young Living has an awesome line of KidScents products that are made just for the younger ones! How cool is that!

Our body chemistries differ and some oils work better for others. Here’s another favorite of ours!

// S W E E T  S L E E P  R O L L E R //
💧7 drops Cedarwood
💧7 drops Lavender
💧5 drops Orange
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

N I G H T T I M E  R O L L E R  F O R  A D U L T S


💧10 drops Lavender
💧8 drops Frankincense
💧4 drops Valerian
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil.

The nighttime roller for adults can be adjusted based on what works best for that person, but is a great addition to a nighttime routine for a good night’s sleep. This is just one option for a nighttime roller for adults, and the amount and/or any additional oil can be adjusted per personal preference.

I personally don’t care for how Valerian smells, but if I really can’t sleep, I’ll put a drop on my big toe (double whammy- it’s on the Vita Flex points to get to my brain, and it’s further away from my nose so I don’t smell it as strongly! )

If you don’t like Valerian, here’s another great roller to help you at nighttime!

// L I Q U I D  S L E E P  R O L L E R //
💧15 drops Lavender
💧10 drops Vetiver
💧5 drops Frankincense
💧5 drops Cedarwood
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil.

R E C A P - 🤪WOW! That was a LOT of information! We’ve talked about rollers for wellness, for emotions, for fitness, for bedtime, for confidence, for better skin, and more! I’m curious, would you use your oils more often if you have them readily available to just grab-and-go!? I know I do!

It's such a blessing to have access to such high quality oils that we can trust to benefit our bodies in the way they were intended to do! I absolutely love that we can make a roller blend for whatever targeted uses we need them for!

Here are a few others that we use on a regular basis. (I actually keep a bag in my purse or car with oils at all times, you know, just in case!)

// S E A S O N A L  S U P P O R T //
💧10 drops Lavender
💧10 drops Lemon
💧10 drops Peppermint
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

// O W I E  R O L L E R //
💧10 drops Tea Tree
💧10 drops Lavender
💧10 drops Frankincense
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

// B U G S - B E - G O N E //
💧5 drops Peppermint
💧10 drops Citronella
💧5 drops Lavender
💧5 drops Lemongrass
💧Fill the rest with carrier oil

H O W  T O  G E T  T H E  G O O D S

Need some of these items in your life?! If you are a current member, you can log in to your Virtual Office and place a Quick Order to have these items shipped directly to you. Better yet, order through Young Living’s Essential Rewards program, and earn rewards points back! What’s Essential Rewards?! Learn more here → https://www.youngliving.com/en_US/opportunity/essential-rewards

If you are not yet a Young Living member and are ready to add these products to your life, reach out to the person who invited you to this class, they will be happy to help you get started - make sure you ask them how you can order with a 24% discount!

Thank you so much for coming to our Roller Recipe class! I hope that you’ve learned great things!


Roller Recipes

By Angie Vaughters

Roller Recipes

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