Lunch + Learn

The Design Team
& Asana

January 2015

This is an overview.
A mix of how we're doing things now and how things can be more streamlined and efficient.


I've been thinking about this a lot and this is where I've ended up.
I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas at the end, so we can make things better together!

Who is doing what?





How is each task used?

The Top level Task

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

Assets have been passed to dev

Next Steps:


Create Design brief & assign to design team

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

The design brief has been completed

Next Steps:

  • Set up Briefing Huddle and assign to HM, link to brief
  • Assign Review & Confirm Hypothesis to RG

Briefing Huddle

Owned by:


Pass off:

Between PM & HM with questions/answers as needed

Complete when:

Everyone is on the same page on client and internal expectations. 

Next Steps:

  • PM & HM to decide on a timeline based on client need and current workload
  • PM to assign Kick-off task to HM


Owned by:


Pass off:

Comments back and forth if necessary to set up timeline.

Complete when:

The first deliverable date has been set.

Next Steps:

  • If not already assigned, HM goes through the kick-off process


Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

All subtasks have been completed

Next Steps:

  • Assign Research, Sketch and Mockup tasks to designer.
  • Set dates on Research – Share with Client tasks (the PM doesn't get assigned the Review and share tasks until the comps are done).

The Design Tasks

Owned by:


Pass off:

Mockup Comp(s) to HM for review.

If there are any revisions needed, they are subtasked under the Mockup Comp(s) task.

Complete when:

When HM has approved variation comps.

Next Steps:

HM assigns Review and Share tasks to PM

Internal Review & Approval

Owned by:


Pass off:

If there are revisions to be made based on internal feedback, assign back over to HM.

Complete when:

PM, OM, RG, and DEV have all reviewed and approved comps.

Next Steps:

  • PM comments that all is good
  • PM sends comps to client

Share Comp(s) with Client

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

Initial comps have been sent to the client

Next Steps:

  • PM to confirm that comps have been sent by commenting and linking to basecamp post
  • Wait for client feedback


Owned by:


Pass off:

  • PM lists revisions, pass to HM
  • HM will review/ask questions, pass to designer
  • Once revisions are made, Designer passes to HM
  • HM passes to PM
  • PM Assigns review/approve tasks

Complete when:

Revisions have been approved

Next Steps:

  • PM comments that all is good
  • PM sends revisions to client

There is a chance that revisions won't be needed.


If they're not:

  • PM completes Approval task
  • PM assigns out Test Plan and Production Assets tasks to Designer and comments which variations were selected.


Revisions are tricky.
There can be a couple of rounds of this — making the task messy.


Try to:

  • Keep a History
    Comment when you pass back and fourth, that way you can see the history.
  • Inception Rule
    Try not to get lost in subtasks, stick with sections. Safety first: only three levels deep.


Share Revisions with Client

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

Revisions have been sent to the client

Next Steps:

  • Comment that the revisions have been sent.
  • Wait for approval/further feedback

Another round!


If there is a second round of revisions:

  • Subtask the new revisions in the original revision task and follow the same process.
  • If there are a lot of new revisions, make another section of subtasks, to keep them in order


Client Approval

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

Client has given their final approval and said which variation(s) they want to run with.

Next Steps:

  • Comment that approval has been given and what variations were selected
  • Assign Test Plan and Production Assets to Designer

Add Comp(s) to Test Plan

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

The comps and tables from the design notes have been pasted into the test plan.

Next Steps:

  • On to Production Assets!

Production Assets for Dev

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

All assets have been exported, dev notes have been made for each comp and shared in the dev task.

Next Steps:

  • Share assets and docs with dev
  • Comment that comps have been delivered to dev and added to the test plan

Back to the Top

Owned by:


Pass off:


Complete when:

Assets have been passed to dev

Next Steps:



Details & 

Design Kanban

& Status

  • Due Date
    Due date is when the experiment needs to be moved to the next section
  • Status
    The status of each experiment is commented in the task and pinned
  • Designer
    The initials of the designer working on the experiment are put in front of the client

Task Descriptions

Placeholder / Helper Text

This can be removed by who ever is assigning the task if it isn't helpful.


The parent task should have links to:

•  Test Plan

•  Design Brief (if one)

•  Design Notes (if any)

Instructions, Details, Notes

The initial instructions for the task can go in the details, though they could also go in as a comment, if there is going to be more of a conversation. 

I know. That was a lot.

Thanks for hanging in there.











Now: thoughts? Questions? Ideas?

Lunch and Learn: Design Team & Asana

By clearhead

Lunch and Learn: Design Team & Asana

Here's an overview of how the Design Team is using Asana at Clearhead.

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