Topic: Mindset

Understanding why the assumptions, opinions, and attitude you take toward your work have a significant impact on whether or not you succeed.

Topic: Mindset

Building software is overwhelming and it's easy to feel like you're inadequate.


- When you get stuck it's easy to want to quit.

- Taking breaks and giving yourself room to breathe and think is important.

- Avoid getting stuck in the "guilt loop." You have to accept that the path to building your product will have lots of bumps.

- When you do get overwhelmed or stuck, having the right mindset—a positive one—is what can make the difference between giving up or pushing forward.

Topic: Mindset

Understand that it's a game. In order to be the best player, you have to do the things that other people are NOT willing to do.


- How well you do this will dictate how much success you can find.

- Separate you from your business. If you're looking to be famous, rich, etc., you have to operate differently in your business than you do in your private life.

Topic: Mindset

Think long-term. Internalize and accept that you will not get rich quickly.


- Nobody gives a shit that you launched a product. It's what you do after that counts.

- Shift your thinking toward showing up every day and putting effort into your product. An hour, thirty minutes, doesn't matter.

- Start identifying where you want things to be in a year, five years, ten years. Spec out your plans based on that.

- Realize that you don't have to do it all RIGHT NOW. Patience is essential. Otherwise, you'll burn yourself out.

Copy of Just Build the Damn Thing

By cleverbeagle

Copy of Just Build the Damn Thing

In this talk, we'll take a look at Pup: a boilerplate designed for building products. We'll see how Pup gets you up to speed quickly by offering pre-defined routes with a CRUD example and full accounts UI, and a handful of helper methods for performing common tasks in a product like sending email.

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