
What is PHP?

  • Stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
  • Open source scripting language
  • PHP scripts are executed on the server
  • PHP is free to download and use
  • File extension is .php
  • Files can contain HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP

Examples what to use if for

  • Send an e-mail from a form
  • Redirect pages or users
  • Forums
  • Template your website
  • Content Management Systems (CMS)
  • Generating PDF files
  • Parsing XML files
  • Encrypt data

Benefits of PHP

  • Easy to learn
  • Open source, free to use
  • Supports a wide range of databases
  • Compatible with almost all servers
  • Can run on various platforms

Syntax basics

<?php // PHP inside a HTML page ?>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <h1>This is a HTML page</h1>
            // Print 'Hello World!' on the HTML page
            echo "Hello World!";

Where to place?

  • In separate PHP files
  • Included in HTML

    // This is a single-line comment
    # This is a single-line comment
        This is a multiple-lines 
        comment block that uses 
        multiple lines
    // Inline comment
    $total = 2 /* + 3 */ + 4;



  • Short concreet description of your code
  • Support yourself and others while working on code


What is a variable?

  • Keeps track of information in a program
  • Containers for storing data values
  • Can hold many data types: numbers, strings, arrays and many more
  • Starts with the $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
    $count = 12;

    $name = 'John Doe';


Rules declaring a variable

  • Starts with $ sign, followed by the name of the variable
  • Cannot start with a number
  • Has to start with a letter or underscore
  • Can only contain A-z, 0-9, and _
  • Are case-sensitive


  • They are always accessible, regardless of scope, you can access them from any function, class or file
  • $_COOKIE



  • A sequence of characters
  • You can use single or double quotes
    // Single quotes
    echo 'Hello world!';

    // Double quotes
    echo "Hello world!";



  • A non-decimal number between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647
  • Can be either positive or negative
  • Can be specified in three formats:
    • decimal
    • hexadecimal
    • octal

    $total = 23654;



  • A number with a decimal point or a number in exponential form

    $total = 23.654;



  • Can either be true or false
  • Often used in conditional testing

    $outcome1 = true;
    $outcome2 = false;



  • Can store multiple values in one variable

    // Create an Array

    // Example of an Array
    $music = array("Rock","Hardstyle","R&B");

    // Check the length of an Array
    echo count($music); // Output is: 3

    // Associative Array
    $hobbies = array("John"=>"Travelling", "Jane"=>"Kickboxing", "Joe"=>"Gaming");



  • Stores data and information on how to process that data

    // Declare a class of Object
    class Team {
        function Team() {
            $this->developer = "John Doe";

    // Create an Object
    $dev = new Team();

    // Show properties of Object
    echo $dev->developer; // Output is: John Doe



  • Can have only one value: NULL

    // Empty variable will have NULL as value

    // Empty a variable and set to NULL
    $total = 10;
    $total = null;




  • Can be used with or without parentheses
  • Has no return value
  • Can take multiple parameters

    echo "Hello world!";



  • Has a return value of 1
  • Can be used in expressions
  • Can only take one argument
  • Slower than echo()

    print "Hello world!";




    // If statement
    if (condition) {
        // Code gets executed if condition is true

    // If else statement
    if (condition) {
        // Code gets executed if condition is true
    } else {
        // Code gets executed if the other conditions are false

    // If elseif else statement    
    if (condition) {
        // Code gets executed if condition is true
    } elseif (condition) {
        // Code gets executed if condition is true
    } else {
        // Code gets executed if the other conditions are false




    switch ($block) {
        case option1:
            // Code gets executed if $block = option1
        case option2:
            // Code gets executed if $block = option2
        case option3:
            // Code gets executed if $block = option3
            // Code gets executed if $block is different than the rest

  • Uses the break to prevent the code from running into the next case automatically


While loop

  • The loop will continue to run as long as the condition is true

    while (condition is true) {
        // Code gets executed


For loop

  • Initialise the loop counter value
  • Evaluated for each loop iteration. If true then continue else it stops
  • Increases the loop counter value

    for (init counter; test counter; increment counter) {
        // Code gets executed


Do while

  • The condition is tested AFTER executing the statements within the loop
    do {
        // Code gets executed
    } while (condition is true);



  • Works only on arrays
  • Loops through each key/value pair in an array
    foreach ($array as $value) {
        // Code gets executed



What is a function?

  • A block of statements that can be re-used
  • Only executes when it gets called
  • A function name can start with a letter or underscore
  • Can use arguments to pass information on

    function functionName($argument1, $argument2) {
        // Do something, for example:
        echo "$argument1 loves $argument2";

    // Call the function
    functionName("John", "traveling");
    functionName("Jane", "horse riding");


Include & require

What are they?

  • Statements that are identical except upon failure ​
  • Statements that give you the option to insert a PHP file into another
  • Saves work by creating standard files
  • Possible to include files that are required for the application to run



    // Will only produce a warning and continues running
    // File is not required and application should continue when file is not found
    include 'filename.php';


    // Will produce a fatal error and stops running the script
    // Use require when the file is required by the application
    require 'filename.php';


Manipulating files


  • You often have to open and close files, easy to do with file functions
  • Makes it easier to process tasks on files, e.g.:
    • reading
    • creating
    • opening
    • (over)writing
    • closing

File functions


    // Reads a file and writes it to the output buffer
    echo readfile();

    // Similar to readfile() but gives you more options by using parameters
    // Will create a file if it doesn't exist yet
    echo fopen();
    // Reads from an open file, using parameters to specify max number of bytes to read
    echo fread();
    // Is used to close an open file
    echo fclose();
    // Is used to read a single line from a file
    echo fgets();
    // checks if the "end-of-file" (EOF) has been reached, can be used to loop through data
    echo feof();
    // Reads a single character from a file
    echo fgetc();
    // Is used to write to a file by using parameters
    echo fwrite();



What is a cookie?

  • A small file that gets embedded on a user's computer by the server
  • Used to identify a user
  • With PHP you can create and retrieve cookies

setcookie() function

  • Used to create a cookie
  • Has optional parameters, only "name" is required
  • Must appear before the html tag

    setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, secure, httponly);

    $cookie_name = "admin";
    $cookie_value = "John Doe";
    // Create cookie with name and value, expire after 30 days, available entire app
    setcookie($cookie_name, $cookie_value, time() + (86400 * 30), "/");

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Example Cookies</title>
            // Use $_COOKIE global to retrieve value of cookie "admin"
            if(!isset($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])) {
                echo "Fail!";
            } else {
                echo "Cookie '" . $cookie_name . "' is set!";
                echo "Value is: " . $_COOKIE[$cookie_name];


What is a session?

  • A way to store information (in variables) to be used across multiple pages
  • Is not stored on the users computer
  • By default, session variables last until the user closes the browser
  • Most sessions set a user-key on the user's computer that looks e.g. like: 765487cf34ert8dede5a562e4f3a7e12.

Session functions


    // Start the session

    // Remove all session variables
    // Destroy the session 

    // Start session

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Example Sessions</title>
            // To change a session variable, just overwrite it 
            $_SESSION["fav_car"] = "Maserati";
            // Displays information about a variable in a way that's readable by humans


What is it?

  • Are used to validate and sanitise external input
  • Example what you can do with a filter:
    • Validate IP address, URL, integers, e-mail address, regular expression
    • Remove characters
    • Call a user-defined function

Filter functions


    // Used to list what the PHP filter extension offers

    // Filters a single variable with a specified filter

    // Checks if a variable of a specific input type exists

    // Returns the filter ID of a specific filter name

    // Gets an external variable and optionally filters it


    // Set e-mail address
    $email = "";
    // Remove all illegal characters from email using e.g a constant
    $email = filter_var($email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
    // Validate e-mail e.g. using a constant
    if (!filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) === false) {
        echo("$email is a valid e-mail address");
    } else {
        echo("$email is not a valid e-mail address");


What is a constant?

  • An identifier (name) for a simple value
  • The value cannot be changed during the script
  • Starts with a letter or underscore
  • They are automatically global across the entire script

Error handling

Types of errors

  • System errors (Internal)
    • The logic errors in your code
    • Can be prevented by careful programming
  • External
    • Related to the interactions with the world outside your code, such as:
      • Failing to open a file
      • Dropped network connection
    • Can't always avoid these type of error, but you can prepare your code for them

How to deal with errors

  • Display the error
  • Log or report the error
    • Log errors in a file and alerts a user/developer when
  • Act on the error
    • Differs for each situation
  • Ignore the error

Error levels


  • Will not stop the execution of the script
  • A way of telling you that you probably shouldn't be doing what you're doing
Notice: Undefined variable: VARIABLE_NAME in PATH_TO_FILE


  • Will not stop the execution of the script
  • To warn you that what you're doing will probably cause errors
Warning: include(PATH_TO_FILE): failed to open stream: No such file or directory

Fatal error

  • Will stop the execution of the script
  • Are caused when PHP encounters a logical error
  • What you’re asking the script to do, can't be done
Fatal error: Call to undefined function MY_FUNCTION()

Display errors

Ways to display errors

  • In your own code
  • .htaccess
  • php.ini file

In your own code

  • Can be helpful and quick
  • Allows you to override the setting in the php.ini or .htaccess file
  • You can also suppress errors for a particular line using the @ symbol

    // Report simple running errors
    // Make sure they're on screen
    ini_set('display_errors', 1);
    // HTML formatted errors
    ini_set("html_errors", 1);

    $error_levels = array("E_ALL", "E_NOTICE", "E_WARNING", "E_ERROR",
                      "E_STRICT", "E_DEPRECATED", "E_PARSE");




    // Include the file you want to test



  • A configuration file used by Apache-based web servers that controls the directory and all the subdirectories underneath
  • It overwrites the php.ini file on a server
  • Also used for redirections
php_flag display_startup_errors on
php_flag display_errors on
php_value error_reporting -1
php_flag html_errors on

php.ini file

// Show all error levels
error_reporting: E_ALL

// Print errors to the screen
display_errors: ON

// Shows errors at startup, only use this setting when debugging
display_errors_startup: ON

// Error logging
log_errors: ON

// Path to log file
error_log: /My/Path/file.log

Addressing errors

Custom function


    function customError($errno, $errstr) {
        echo "<b>Error:</b> [$errno] $errstr<br>";
        echo "Ending Script";



Trigger an error


    $test = 2;
    if ($test > 1) {
        trigger_error("Value must be 1 or below");



In your own code


    ini_set("log_errors", 1);
    ini_set("error_log", "php-error.txt");



# log errors
php_value log_errors 1

# log file for errors
php_value error_log php-error.txt

php.ini file

log_errors = On
error_log = "/YOUR/PATH/htdocs/php-error.txt"



By CodePamoja


Basic introduction

  • 47