A JavaScript library for building user interfaces


What is React?

  • A JavaScript Library
  • Components-Based
  • For building user-interfaces
  • It is using a virtual dom

Virtual DOM

Virtual DOM

The virtual DOM is a representation of the actual DOM. It's a pattern to change the actual DOM in a smart and fast way.



  • Preprocessor for writing XML in your JavaScript
  • React can be used without JSX, but it is recommended to use it for writing readable code

React with JSX

React without JSX


Function components


Class components

How to write a component

From version 16.8.0 it doesn't really matter if you use a class or functional component, but it is recommended to write functional components.


Before version 16.8.0 it depends if you only need props or if you need the state, props and lifecycle methods.

    Whether a component is a class or a function that uses Hooks is an implementation detail of that component. In the longer term, we expect Hooks to be the primary way people write React components. [source: https://reactjs.org/docs/hooks-faq.html#should-i-use-hooks-classes-or-a-mix-of-both] 

    We have no plans to deprecate classes. ..... But if the React community embraces Hooks, it doesn’t make sense to have two different recommended ways to write components. Hooks can cover all use cases for classes while providing more flexibility in extracting, testing, and reusing code. This is why Hooks represent our vision for the future of React. [source: https://medium.com/@dan_abramov/making-sense-of-react-hooks-fdbde8803889#f7df] 

Functional Components

Functional component

  • Just a JavaScript function
  • Has access to props
  • Returns JSX (return statement is required)
  • Can have access to state & lifecycle methods via hooks

When to use?

Functional components

Since version 16.8.0 they are almost equal to class based components, so it doesn't matter.


Before version 16.8.0 if you only need props.

Class Components

Class based component

  • A JavaScript class that extends React.Component
  • The render method is required
  • Has access to state, props and component methods
  • Has access to lifecylce hooks, which will help to hook into the mounting and updating of a React Component.

When to use?

Class based components

Since version 16.8.0 they are almost equal to functional components, so it doesn't matter.


Before version 16.8.0 if you need the state, props and lifecycle methods.


Rendering elements

An element is the smallest building block in react. Components are created by one ore multiple elements.

Rendering elements

This is the minimum what you need to start with React. A React element and an element inside the DOM to render your element.

Rendering elements

React Elements are immutable. Once created, you can't change its children or attributes.

Updating elements

You can only update the UI to create a new element and pass it to the ReactDOM.render()

React only updates what is necessary by comparing what is changed in the desired state.

Rendering components

A React component is a collection of one or more elements.

Rendering components

Render a React Component in the DOM via ReactDOM.render()

Rendering components

It is recommended to make one App component as a wrapper for multiple child components.




Props are values that will be passed through components from outside. They are read-only and should not be modified inside the component!



If you want to do something with a prop value and modify it, use a pure function.

Pure function

A pure function always respects it's inputs and will return always the same result for the same inputs.


Pure functions are testable!


All React components must act like pure functions with respect to their props.

Impure function

A impure function will always return a different result because it will change one or more values that are brought into the function.



for functional components


With the useState method you can use and change the state of a functional component.​


Hooks are introduced in React 16.8.0 and make it possible for functional components to access the state (and more).


  1. The count variable will contain the state.
  2. setCount is the method to change the state and trigger a re-render of the component.


The useEffect hook will be called during the mounting and destroying process

Class component



useState & useEffect


  • Multiple states
  • States can be multiple types. For example a string, int, object, array, boolean
  • We can access the state in a simple functional component
  • We can trigger methods when a component is done rendering or updating.

useState & useEffect


  • You can only use it in functional component


for class components

Internal memory for data inside a class based component.


Use the state only when things will be updated later. If it does not need to be updated, just use the props to get the data via a parent component.


The state needs to be defined in the constructor.

Define your state

Use this.setState() to update the local state of your component inside the componentDidMount event.


This will not trigger a re-render

This will trigger a re-render

React will batch multiple setState() calls into a single update for performance.



But since this.state and this.props are updated asynchronously, so we can't ensure to have them available at the same time.



a global state

A global state for data inside a React application, where every component can get their data from and send data to.



Context Consumer

Context Provider


Lifecycle methods

are only available in class based components

Lifecycle methods

First method that will be called, before the mounting starts


If you don’t initialize state and you don’t bind methods, you don’t need to implement a constructor for your React component.

Call super(props) in order to have access to this.props

Mounting process

The only required method for class based components. Will perform the rendering of the component in the DOM.


A good place to:

Return the elements or content via JSX

Will be called when the component is rendered to the DOM


A good place to:

call setTimeout, setInterval, fetch and setState

Will be called when the state or props are updated


A good place to:

do network requests as long as you compare the current props to previous props (e.g. a network request may not be necessary if the props have not changed).

When the component is removed from the DOM


Is called before a component will be removed from the DOM


A good place use:

clearInterval, cancel subscriptions






And passing arguments to event handlers




For routing we use react-router-dom






By CodePamoja


Introduction into React training

  • 46