
Difference Agile & Scrum


  • It's a mindset, not a process


  • A framework to implement Agile

Scrum artifacts

Product backlog

  • List of stories ordered by priority
  • Shows the scope of the project

Sprint backlog

  • The goals, user stories and tasks associated with the current sprint

Product increment

  • The working product functionality at the end of each sprint

Definition of Ready (DoR)

  • Defines the criteria that a specific user story has to meet before being considered for estimation or inclusion into a sprint
  • Focused on user story level characteristics
  • Needs to be clear, feasible (according to DoD) and testable

Definition of Done (DoD)

  • Described what is considered to be done to deliver the product increment
  • Focused on the sprint or release level
  • An agreement between the team and PO on what needs to be completed per user story

Scrum roles

Product Owner (PO)

  • Represents the final user's best interest
  • Has authority to say what goes into the final product
  • In charge of making the Backlog, should have the Backlog ready at least a day before Sprint planning
  • Expert on the product and the customer's needs and priorities

Scrum Master (SM)

  • Responsible for supporting the team
  • Clearing impediments/roadblocks
  • Has to keep the Agile process consistent, organises the Scrum events
  • Facilitates and motivates the team
  • Keeps the team focused on its goal
  • Safeguards the team from disturbances


  • Self-organising and cross-functional
  • Each team member contributes in whatever way they can to complete the work of each sprint
  • Decides how much they can take on in a sprint

Scrum events

Sprint planning

  • A meeting at the beginning of each sprint
  • The team commits to a goals
  • Discusses every user story taken in sprint and divides them in tasks
  • The team hold a poker session in order to give a velocity to the sprint
  • PO clarifies stories to the team where needed
  • Timebox: 1 hour

Daily stand-up

  • Each day the team meets for a small stand-up meeting
  • Each member should answer 3 things:
    • What did I do yesterday?
    • What do I intend to do today?
    • Explain if there is an impediment
  • Timebox: 15 minutes


  • A meeting where the team demonstrate a working product increment to the Product Owner
  • The PO can accept of decline the results of the demo
  • Timebox: 1 hour

Retrospective (Retro)

  • A meeting where the team reviews the sprint
  • What went well and what didn’t go as planned
  • What lessons are learned?
  • Action items/points to be acted on for the next sprint
  • Timebox: 1 hour


In short

  • A PO creates and prioritises a Product backlog
  • The team hold a Sprint planning to decide how to implement stories from the backlog
  • The team meets every day to assess its progress in a daily stand-up
  • The SM keeps the team focused on its goal
  • At the end of the sprint, a product should be ready to hand-over and will be demonstrated to the PO
  • The team reviews the sprint in a retro


By CodePamoja


What is Scrum, what are the roles, events and artifacts

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