Anxiety Self Help

If you suffer from anxiety, worrying about even the smallest things can affect your quality of life and take a toll on your health. While doctors are eager to prescribe anti-anxiety medication, there are ways regain your emotional energy and reduce preoccupation on your own with anxiety self help strategies. Anxiety self help tips will allow you to take control of your life once again and will give you the anxiety self help tools you need to train your brain to keep a more positive outlook even when stressful situations occur. If you want to live a happier and healthier life, and you hate feeling nervous and anxious for practically no reason at all, follow these anxiety self help tips and break the worry habit.


Life is full of uncertainties. One of the main reasons individuals suffer from anxiety is because they are unable to cope with unpredictability. While most prefer to know exactly what is going to happen at any one given time, uncertainty is a part of life that cannot be solved by any invention, not even a pill. The first anxiety self help tip is to accept uncertainty rather than worrying about every possible thing that can go wrong. Role-play and ask yourself the questions that matter to come to an understanding of how a fear of uncertainty is affecting you.

With anxiety self help worry periods, you can tell yourself to postpone worrying until the specified period. This anxiety self help strategy teaches you how to live your day-to-day life without worrying and save the distracting thoughts for the right time and place.


There are several ways to channel your thoughts effectively and treat anxiety without the use of drugs or medication. Teach yourself how to relax and how to combat negative thoughts on your own with anxiety self help strategies. With the right anxiety self help methods and enough effort, you can better your quality of life and live without persistent worries. was created by anxiety treatment expert David Mellinger, MSW (RESUME). Click on the link to learn more about anxiety, worry, phobias, and obsessions and compulsions (OCD).

Anxiety Self Help

By Cognitive Behavioral Therapy