Panic Disorder Treatment

Panic disorder is a serious and debilitating mental illness that affects people all over the world. Those who suffer from panic disorder have a series of traumatic events known as panic attacks. A panic attack is similar to having a feeling of impending death or other possible serious harm. Its symptoms include sweaty palms, a sense of unreality, shortness of breath, a choking sensation, and/or intense fear. Many panic attacks are mistaken for heart attacks or other cardiac occurrences.


Panic disorder is a serious and debilitating mental illness that affects people all over the world. Those who suffer from panic disorder have a series of traumatic events known as panic attacks. A panic attack is similar to having a feeling of impending death or other possible serious harm. Its symptoms include sweaty palms, a sense of unreality, shortness of breath, a choking sensation, and/or intense fear. Many panic attacks are mistaken for heart attacks or other cardiac occurrences.

Therapy is considered the best long-term solution for panic disorder, because it teaches skills, such as through cognitive behavioral therapy, to help patients manage their symptoms. It also has no risk of side effects, but does take much longer for positive results.


A psychologist or other licensed mental health care professional, such as a licensed clinical social worker, can be trained to give behavior modification therapy techniques to panic and anxiety sufferers. Psychiatrists or other medical doctors, such as a family physician, are the only medical practitioners qualified to prescribe drugs such as Xanax or Paxil.


Careful research into panic disorder treatment, as well as medical professionals covered by your healthcare planPsychology Articles, is essential to successfully combat the illness’ uncomfortable and life-altering symptoms. was created by anxiety treatment expert David Mellinger, MSW (RESUME). Click on the link to learn more about anxiety, worry, phobias, and obsessions and compulsions (OCD).


By Cognitive Behavioral Therapy