The Basics of Treating Anxiety Disorders

While it may be hard to find someone who has not experienced some form of anxiety in their life, there are those whose anxiety never fades which can make it impossible for suffers to lead a normal life. When the ability to participate in certain events or go to certain places is prevented by an unshakable fear of things that could possibly occur many find themselves becoming reclusive instead of enjoying the life they once led.


Suffers of anxiety disorders may think that their "disease" is something that is uncontrollable, but that could not be further from the truth. Those suffering from some form of anxiety disorder can take hold of their symptoms with the right form of treatment for anxiety disorders since it is a condition and not an illness that causes people to become physically, psychologically, emotionally, or spiritually fearful or distraught over any number of situations. When this happens a person's normal anxiety turns into a disorder because the mind and body can no longer respond to situations in a normal manner, but no matter how bad your symptoms are you can take hold of your anxiety with the right help and support in treating anxiety disorders.


Some may choose to turn to medication in order to assist in reducing their anxiety disorder symptoms, and while this may work for some, it should not be considered the only cure for healthy living. While some may claim otherwise, medication actually has a very low success rate for treating anxiety disorder symptoms which does not bode well for long term success in taking control of your anxiety symptoms.




Based on extensive research it has been found that the most effective treatment for anxiety disorders is the combination of the right form of self help instruction with the assistance of a qualified therapist who specializes in dealing with anxiety recovery. A coach, counsellor, therapist, or even a psychologist who has successfully beaten anxiety in their own life and have been free of medication for at least 3 years are all good choices when choosing the right therapist for assistance in treating anxiety disorders. Therapists who are currently on medication for treating their own anxiety have proven to not be good sources for anxiety help. Studies have shown that those who work with a therapist that has overcome their own anxiety disorder tend to be the best in assisting others in tackling their own unique form of this disorder. Those who are still using anti-anxiety meds may lead current suffers to wonder how helpful could this therapist be if they are unable to overcome their own anxiety disorder.


While this claim any bother some mental health professionals, our experience has shown that this claim commonly proves to be true. Many who have previously enlisted the help of one of these professionals for the treatment of anxiety disorders have found that their condition remained or in the worst case actually got worse even after treatment. Anxiety disorders can be cured but you need to have the right information as well as the right level of support to help your end your anxiety disorder once and for all. was created by anxiety treatment expert David Mellinger, MSW (RESUME). Click on the link to learn more about anxiety, worry, phobias, and obsessions and compulsions (OCD).


By Cognitive Behavioral Therapy