Week 7
March 9, 2018
CloudFront Worksheet
Message Queues
- Message Queue: A shared queue that enables asynchronous communication of messages between processes.
Why decouple components?
- Strongly coupled components form complex systems
- Hard to maintain/expand/refactor
- Instead:
- Encapsulate the inner workings of each component
- Expose a limited API
Decoupling: Microservices
Why use message queues?
- What happens if the Service B dies?
- What happens if Service B can't process requests as quickly as Service A produces them?
- Load spikes?
- What if Service B dies while processing a request?
- Simple Queue Service (SQS): A managed, distributed message queueing service frequently used to communicate between AWS services.
Guaranteeing Delivery
- Want to guarantee At-Lease-Once Delivery
- Every message will be delivered
- But, it may be delivered more than once
You configure a Visibility Timeout on your queue (0s-12h)
Message Ordering
- We want high throughput of messages
- Standard Queues: "Unlimited" TPS
- FIFO Queues: Max 300 TPS
Polling for Messages
- How do receivers retrieve messages from the queue?
- Short Polling: Immediately return if no messages available. Search subset of nodes.
- Long Polling: Wait until a message is available for processing. Searches all nodes.
Other SQS Concepts
- Retention Period: Messages are deleted from a queue if not processed within a certain amount of time (up to 14 days)
- Max Message Size: Up to 256KB per message
- Dead Letter Queue: Messages can be placed in a DLQ after failing to be deleted after a predefined number of receives
SQS Pricing
- Requests
- Standard: 40¢ per 1M requests
- FIFO: 50¢ per 1M requests
- Data Transfer between SQS/EC2
- Free (if within the same region)
- Can return multiple messages per request
- 1 request = 64KB chunk of a payload
- Free Tier: 1M requests
SQS Demo
SQS Worksheet
Complete the worksheet section on SQS.
Wrapping Up
EC2 + SQS codelab due Thursday midnight (warning: start early!)
Feedback form:
Turn in your CloudFront worksheet.
CMSC389L Week 7
By Colin King
CMSC389L Week 7
- 952