WEb training

Create and Deploy a site in 10 mins

  1. Download Sublime Text
  2. Download the skeleton
  3. Dropbox Public Folder

File Structure

Create a ball

 //index.html<div id="ball"></div>

 //main.css#ball {   width: 120px;   height: 120px;   border-radius: 120px;   margin: 150px auto 0 auto;}

JS: Make it touch sensitive

Wait for document to be ready:

Give it a click event:
	$('.ball').on('click',function(){              alert('touch');         });

JS: Balloon

$('.ball').on('mousedown',function(){    $(this).addClass('big');});

$('.ball').on('mouseup',function(){ $(this).removeClass('big'); });

JS: CSS Animation

 transition: 0.3s ease-in;


By Colin Toh


  • 720