Understanding Errors in

Comeet Client

Core Technologies

  • Angular JS
  • React

Angular JS

Forgiving approach to error handling - 

If an Error happened angular will run your code once again

Error in our code

Function name

Angular JS

Client Error

Angular JS

Errors base of invalid server responses

Request to server that failed

Client indicates

+ some client error like example above

Angular JS

Third party errors

See domain of request. You can identify google or office domains.

  • Google calendar
  • Office calendar
  • PDF viewer (view resume)

Angular JS

How we handle third party erros


Strict approach to error handling - 

React will remove failing part from screen completely

See errors in prod

localStorage.setItem('comeet_developer_mode', 1); // enable

localStorage.setItem('comeet_developer_mode', 0); // disable

localStorage.removeItem('comeet_developer_mode'); // remove flag


By Viktor Shevchenko


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