GumGum AMI Bakery
TL;DR: Packer + checksums = 👍
About GumGum
- Computer Vision company located in Santa Monica
- Advertising space
- Context-aware in-image ads
- Brand-safety technology
- New verticals:
- Sports (working with teams in the NBA and NHL)
- Dental
Project Goals
- Use Hashicorp Packer
- Dependable
- AMIs defined 100% in code
- Idempotent builds
- AMIs are only re-built when their definition changes
- Solution must be CI-friendly
- Packer builds are not idempotent
- Re-building the same code twice = 2 AMIs
- Makes integrating Packer into your CI challenging
- Introducing the GumGum AMI Bakery Docker image!
- You tell the AMI Bakery where your AMI config code lives
- The AMI Bakery will then re-build your AMI only if your AMI config code changes
GumGum AMI Bakery
Packer JSON
AMI config paths
File Checksums
- Digital signatures for files
- Our AMI Bakery uses SHA1 checksums
- Returns a 40 character hexidecimal value for files or strings of any size
- If any part of a file changes, so will its SHA1 checksum
Our AMI Bakery Algorithm
Get list of all
config files
Sort list
Calculate SHA1 of each file
Calculate SHA1 of list of file SHA1s
= ami_config_checksum
Does an
AMI exist with that
Build new AMI
Return existing AMI
Before The AMI Bakery 😥
- AMIs were hard-coded
- Required a manual code update
- ... which humans sometimes forget to do
- ... which lead to AMIs getting stale
After 😎
- GumGum AMI Bakery stage inserted
- If the AMI DNE, it is built
- If it exists, the AMI's ID is returned
- Terraform passed the AMI ID via CLI parameter
New stage
Updated stage
- AMI updates are simple:
- Update the AMI config code
- That's it.
- No external state
- AMI config checksums remain the same between branch changes = faster builds
- A little invasive
- Need to update existing Terraform code to look up AMIs dynamically
- But maybe that's a good thing?
GumGum AMI Bakery Code
- Includes an example sample-app
Example Pipeline Integration
docker run --rm -t \
-e PACKER_JSON_PATH=`pwd`/example-app/ami/packer/ami.json \
-e AMI_DEFINITION_DIRS=`pwd`/example-app/ami/ \
--mount type=bind,source=`pwd`,target=`pwd` \
--mount type=bind,source=$HOME/.aws/,target=/root/.aws \
GumGum AMI Bakery
By Corey Gale
GumGum AMI Bakery
Packer + checksums = win
- 900