Cristian Spinetta
Software developer.
Monitoring Production with Grafana Stack
Cristian Spinetta
Lucas Amoroso
And friends...
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Prometheus... Cortex... for what?
Stack Cortex + Prometheus + Grafana
Monitoring And Observability
Show me the money the dashboards
How to start to monitor my services?
Logging with Loki
Tracing with Zipkin
Observability captures what "montoring" doesn't (and shouldn't)
based on evidences (not conjectures)
Highly granular insights into the behavior of systems along with rich context, perfect for debugging purposes.
Provide visibility into the health of a system and the impact of any failure.
The people We want to use Prometheus!
Multi dimensional data model (metric name + tags)
Large community of users
Flexible query language
Areas of struggles
Storage limited to local disk
Hard to achieve HA
Strong focus on reliability (each service is independent)
Excellent integration with mainstream
Collects metrics via pulling over HTTP
Each service have to expose metrics via HTTP
We use Kamon to collect and expose metrics for our Java apps
Each other public project (Kafka, Zookeeper, Cassandra, so on) have to have a way to expose their metrics to Prometheus
Almost all projects based on Java use JXM-Exporter, a Prometheus's Java agent
Global view
Long term storage
Two widely adopted options:
Easy HA
Cortex uses Consul to distribute metrics handling among nodes and deduplicate the metrics coming from multiple Prometheus.
Require a Storage service for both index and data.
We just chosen Cassandra for lacks of other options. It can be replaced by some other services such as S3, Bigtable, etc.
Prometheus is configured to send every metric to Cortex.
Multiple visualization options (histograms, heatmap, tables, ...)
Great integration with Prometheus (also others like InfluxDB, Elastic, etc.)
SSO integration (we connected it to ATP3)
Free And Open Source
Visualization for logging and traces (also correlation between logs and metrics)
Require a Storage to provide HA.
Each Grafana node is stateless.
Add some lib to instrument -> collect -> expose the metrics to Prometheus.
Some popular lib for JVM-based apps: Micrometer, Kamon, and so on ...
Register the new service on Consul so Prometheus can auto discover it.
It could be automatic via a Consul client running as sidecar, or manually via sending a request to Consul server.
One more option is using Prometheus-Configurer, which accept the file to register a service on Consul.
Checks the metrics are being scraped by Prometheus
Query on the Prometheus Backoffice.
Configure a dashboard on Grafana
Importing a dashboard (you can find one at
Or creating a new one on your own.
Verification. Verify the endpoint is properly exposed (something like http://localhost:9090/metrics or the path that was configured)
Very cheap compared to ELK
Flexible query language with aggregations (like Prometheus)
Developed by Grafana, so a great integration with our ecosystem
HA and long-term storage
Free And Open Source
Logs and metrics in the same place: Grafana UI
Promtail collect log lines, attach to them metadata, and finally ship them to Loki
Log lines are processed by Loki, only metadata is indexed
Grafana ask to Loki for log lines
Applications need to be “instrumented” to report trace data to Zipkin
If you have a trace ID in a log file, you can jump directly to it
Distributed tracing system
It has its own UI
Integration with Grafana allow us to work with Loki logs and correlate them with Zipkin
A few of the critical questions that Tracing can answer quickly and easly:
Which did a request pass through?
Where are the bottlenecks?
How much time is lost due to network lag during communication between services?
What occurred in each service for a given request?
A Zipkin reporter running in each server, in our case Kamon-Zipkin module, ships traces to the Zipkin collector
Zipkin collector process incoming traces, index them and saves to an storage
Now data is available to query thorough Zipkin UI or Grafana
Grafana UI
Zipkin UI
Prometheus UI
Consul UI
Cortex UI
Kamon Status
Typical App instrumented by Kamon:
Cristian Spinetta
Lucas Amoroso
Cristian Spinetta
Lucas Amoroso
By Cristian Spinetta
From a single instance Prometheus + Grafana service to an infrastructure of metrics. In this talk we are going to show you the Monitoring Stack we set up in the Data team, Despegar, and how we use it to monitor our apps. Some questions that guide this talk: - Why do we use Prometheus? Why Cortex? - Architecture of the Stack Prometheus + Cortex + Grafana. - How can I start to monitor my services? - Other friends in the stack: Loki and Zipkin.