Single sign-on inter Rails applications
Chikahiro Tokoro
* Who am i?
Just Moved from Japan to Berlin!
* Background
The client wanted to make building a new sister product
signing on/up by existing product
and gather users.
there were very less time for implement it,
they choose shared existing Database.
like this architecture
* Issue
Tables only for new App B also existing in one Database
It was Rails application,
managing schema default migration
on existing App A even for new App B
Tables only for new App B also existing in one Database
It was Rails application,
managing schema default migration
on existing App A even for new App B
It made high complexity for development process,
The client doesn't want create a new tables any more.
its really ridiculous!
* Solution
Change architecture!
* User authentication
* Sharing data of common tables/columns
* Very quick to launch!!
we made 3 plans of architecture
PLAN 1: API for User
GOOD: Less man-hours for implementation
* New application B still depends on exiting Database
* low performance..
Plan 2: OAuth
GOOD: Loosey-coupled
* estimated a lot of man-hours
* need something more for sharing data of common tables/columns
GOOD: looks satisfy all demands
BAD: how to implement?
( it needs to deal with multiple database in app )
補足: Rails Engineとは?
・routes, task等を独自に記述できる
Let's make a prototype for estimating difficulty!
* PrototypiPE
* PLAN1: API for User
No, it looks bad architecture,,
* PLAN 2: OAuth
gem 'doorkeeper'
* PLAN 3: Rails Engine
ActiveRecord establish_connection
Estimated man-hours were similar with PLAN 2 and 3
PLAN2: OAuth
no future plan of publishing externally, it's overspec
PLAN3: Rails Engine
satisfy all demands! and challenging 🙂
We choose
PLAN 3: Rails Engine
* Code
And I'm looking for job!
Feel free to contact me!
Chikahiro Tokoro
Single sign-on by Ruby on Rails
By chikahiro tokoro
Single sign-on by Ruby on Rails
- 1,010