New beginnings in your digital life

July 14th, 2019

How the Internet (sort of ) Works


  • Introduction
  • Rules n’ Such
  • Current Events
  • How The Internet Works
  • Red v Blue Game
  • Workshops/Discussions
  • Thank You/Resources

Who are we? Who are you?

  • We are the…
    • The Cypurr Collective: A group of folks that organize cybersecurity workshops and socials, looking to spread knowledge and talk about privacy rights!
  • ...and you are?
    • Name
    • Pronouns (i.e. he/him, she/her, they/them, etc)
    • In a few words, what brings you here today?
  • Safer space workshops

A few rules for this workshop …

  • Share the space!

    • Ask a question, give a comment, leave room for others to speak

  • Stack!  Raise your hand, we will queue speakers

  • Saf(er) Space

    • We DO NOT tolerate language or behavior purposefully meant to demean or harm others

    • Don't pressure anyone to discuss their experience/threat model/situation

    • Consent: Ask before helping someone out, e.g. before taking their device

  • Photo/Video- No photo/video without asking!

  • Reporters/Researchers: Make yourself known

  • Bonus Rule: Don't invalidate experiences!


Current Events

How the Internet Works

Red .v Blue

In RvB, attendants are split into two teams: the RED (attacking) team and the BLUE (defense) team. For each round, both teams are read a summary of the scenario but receive separate briefs on the particulars of their situation. The teams are given some time to discuss how they will achieve their goal. At the end, each team describes how they try to achieve their goals (blue first), and the entire group discusses who “won”.

Unlike many games there is no clear win/lose. If a goal is partially completed, or failed with minimal harm, the question of who won is up to interpretation. Any ambiguity in success/failure of an action will be resolved with die (D20 if available).

Red .v Blue

A non-profit digital rights group, GBK Foundation, has recently become the center of a political controversy when it launched a lawsuit against the federal government. A newly created branch of border-enforcement has received broad warrants, which allow them to search online activity of anyone within 100 feet of a crime by partnering with Goggle Corp. While this has been allowed for crimes such as bank robberies, they are now applying for it every time they find an undocumented citizen. While GBKF is against all warrants of this sort, ring wind media outlet has framed this story as "GBKF hates America"

Thank You and Resources

  • CyPurr Collective


    • Facebook & Twitter

  • Sign up to our email list too, we won’t spam ya!

  • Further Resources

    • NYC CryptoParty Meetup/CryptoParty Harlem (Meetup)

    • HackBlossom (

    • I/O

    • Tactical Tech Collective- Holistic Security, MyShadow, Data Detox

  • EFF- Surveillance Self Defense (
  • Freedom of the Press Foundation (


  • Open Meeting Tuesday!
  • securiTEA time Sept 15th
  • Movie Night! Thu Sept 26
  • Here again on Oct 13th
  • Find more on Facebook/Twitter/ email list

Thank You!

How the Internet (sort of ) Works

By cypurr

How the Internet (sort of ) Works

  • 111