Protecting your personal info online.

March 23rd, 2019

For the Win


  • Introduction
  • Rules n’ Such
  • Tales of cyberwins
  • Game (Red v Blue
  • Mini Workshops
    • Intro to threat modeling
    • DeGoogle Yourself
  • Thank You/Resources

Who are we? Who are you?

  • We are the…
    • The Cypurr Collective: A group of folks that organize cybersecurity workshops and socials, looking to spread knowledge and talk about privacy rights!
  • ...and you are?
    • Name
    • Pronouns (i.e. he/him, she/her, they/them, etc)
    • In a few words, what brings you here today?

A few rules for this workshop …

  • Share the space!

    • Ask a question, give a comment, leave room for others to speak

  • Stack!  Raise your hand, we will queue speakers

  • Saf(er) Space

    • We DO NOT tolerate language or behavior purposefully meant to demean or harm others

    • Don't pressure anyone to discuss their experience/threat model/situation

    • Consent: Ask before helping someone out, e.g. before taking their device

  • Photo/Video- No photo/video without asking!

  • Reporters/Researchers: Make yourself known

  • Bonus Rule: Don't invalidate experiences!


Tales of epic cybersecurity wins

Story #1: Teen reports Group FaceTime eavesdropping bug

  • A major FaceTime bug lets iPhone users see and hear others before they accept a video call
  • Apple responds after news goes viral on social media

Story #1: FaceTime bug

  • His mother tried for over a week to bring attention to this by tweeting at Apple and many different news orgs
  • Apple wanted her to register as a developer to submit the bug report, which she did, even though she was not a developer
  • After news of the bug went viral, Apple finally disabled Group FaceTime feature and released a patch a week later
  • A teenager discovered that he could listen in on their iPhones/iPads without their approval

The Story

Story #1: FaceTime bug

  • Apple was slow to respond after the company had been made aware of the bug
  • Bug reports go through Apple's developer site. Even though non-developers can use the site, there isn’t a clear, public-facing way for consumers to report these types of bugs

Sources: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Story #2: NSA shutting down phone records program

This program analyzes “metadata” of calls between US callers

  • Who, How long & Where

Trump administration might not ask them to renew the program’s legal authority, which is set to expire at the end of March

Story #2: NSA ending program

  • Started by Bush after 9/11
  • Revealed by Edward Snowden  in 2011
  • Contaminated data bringing the entire system into question
  • Gathering unauthorized data, so they had to purge the entire dataset recorded

  • Gathered 151 million records in 2016 alone

    • 0 terrorist attacks thwarted

Is there better tech now?

Was the program too useless to maintain?

NSA decided to ones right to privacy

Source: NYT

Story #3: HQ2 BTFO


  • Amazon announced plan for a second headquarter in NA city
  • Cities scramble to compete, promise of #HQ2 improving real estate prices
  • (Nominally for 50k jobs)
  • Split HQ2 between LIC and Arlington VA
  • NYC offers and NYS offers

Story #3: HQ2 BTFO

Blowback from local activists, gains support among unions/politicians

  • Corporate welfare
  • Not democratic
  • Anti-Amazon
  • Seatlization
    • Rent trippled,
    • homelessness
    • hyper-gentrification,
    • Amazon dictates

Amazon has a temper tantrum...

  • State Sen. Gianaris, supporter turned critic, given power to veto the deal
  • executive made decision after hearing unfavorable coverage on the radio
  • No notice, no negotiations-- Amazon punishes NYC

Story #3: HQ2 BTFO

  • Cuomo, who receives >$1.5 M from real estate, calls polticiians who listened to activists "corrupt"
  • de Blasio critiques Amazon for the pull-out


  • Advertisement campaign to scold NYC
  • Scapegoating...AOC?
  • Warren calls to break up Amazon (and others)
  • Growing opposition in VA

Break up & Boycott Amazon

Game: Red v Blue


Evil Corp has many contracts with the US Department of Defense, as well as several other state and private militias. It was recently revealed that Evil Corp has been helping a foreign prince inhumanely suppress local protests with a mysterious new surveillance technology.

Mini Workshops

  1. Intro Threat Modeling

2. De-Google yourself

Thank You and Resources

  • CyPurr Collective


    • Facebook & Twitter

  • Sign up to our email list too, we won’t spam ya!

  • Further Resources

    • NYC CryptoParty Meetup/CryptoParty Harlem (Meetup)

    • HackBlossom (

    • I/O

    • Tactical Tech Collective- Holistic Security, MyShadow, Data Detox

  • EFF- Surveillance Self Defense (
  • Freedom of the Press Foundation (


  • Here again on April 6th
  • Open meeting here Monday April 1st @ 6:00pm
  • Find more on Facebook/Twitter

Thank You!

BPL 19.03.23: For the Win

By cypurr

BPL 19.03.23: For the Win

  • 141