Development- History and Influences
Jonathan Pickens
Today's Agenda
- Review Yesterday & Danziger
- Origin myths (pre-history)
- Worksheet 1 What is your theory?
- Discuss content of online lecture
- Assign Blog days and project groups
Next Week's Agenda
- NO CLASS on Monday, happy new yearses
- Discuss Blog
- Review of Chapter 2 video lecture
- Nature v. Nurture Blog discussion
- Worksheet 2
- "Truths" of Human Nature
- Trajectory of History
- Unification Principal
- History of Psychology Politics
- Impact of ideas (on us, society, ideas themselves)
- How about the impact of ideas on how we explaining/understand development?
Shared development: origin stories
What does the narrator believe? What is the unification principal?
Why Human Development?
What is
Worksheet 1: What is Your Theory of Human Development?
Whether we are conscious of it or not, we live our daily lives using some type of “theory” development. Try to describe your current theory (or theories) of development.
Think about the following questions, and answer them within your response. Please write at least two paragraphs.
What causes humans to become the people that they become?
What do you think are the most important factors that influence development?
What causes us to change?
What causes us to remain the same?
Reviewing Ch 1
- Types of influences
- Coninuous v Discontinuous
Early History
- Darwin
- G Stanley Hall
- Binet & Simon
Mid-20th century
- Freud
- Erik Erikson
Mid-20th century
- Pavlov
- Skinner
Mid-20th century
- Pavlov
- Skinner
- Bandura
Mid-20th century
- Piaget
- Vygotsky (sociocultural cognition)
- Siegler (Information Processing)
Ethology & Evolutionary Psych
- Theories and Morality:
- Konrad Lorenz
- Tension: Culture/tech vs evolution
- Critical periods and instincts
Ecological Systems
Urie Bronfenbrenner
Post-modern critiques of science (esp Psych)
- Power and Knowledge
- Foucault
- Subjectivity v. objectivity
- post-structuralists e.g. Derrida
Blog and Project Assignments
Happy Holidays, See you Next Week
Watch the video lecture
Read the assigned article
09/06 Development - History and Influences
By cypurr
09/06 Development - History and Influences
- 162