



Jonathan Pickens

Today's Agenda

  • Lewontin Discussion
  • Media literacy chat
  • Worksheet 3 CRAAP

Quick blog notes:


extra tag

Next Class

  • Blog posts due for:
    • Bernard J Slawomirski
    • Diana M Kennedy
    • Israel A Tochimani
    • Kevin J Mendez


Feb 28th

  • Presentation from:
    • Cierra J Hernandez
    • Henny Lipschutz
    • Jasmine Wu
    • Maral Mukimova
    • Victoria Aiello


Feb 25th!

Prenatal Development

  • Danielle L Duchan
  • Fariyal Chowdhury
  • Jasleen K Atwal
  • Shoshana R Jeselsohn

Media Litteracy

"Media Literacy is the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create media in a variety of forms."

*Essential to the group project


  • What makes something 'true'?
    • Authority?
    • Consensus?
    • Reason?
    • Reflective? (subjective)
  • What do you do already to check if news "real"?
  • How do you identify bias?

Good faith biases

Good-faith: Honest and sincere intention to find truth with you.

  • Coverage bias & Curation bias
    • Incomplete list of missing data sets
  • Concision Bias
  • False Balance
  • Significance Bias

Bad-faith bias

  • $$$ and self-interest
  • Lie by omission
    • Narrative/Agenda bias
    • Misrepresentation
  • Moving the goal post
  • whataboutism
  • Straw Man argument
    • Steel Man argument
  • Fabricated information

Good/Bad faith can be difficult to distinguish

CRAAP test

Helps you find sources worth citing, not totally unbiased sources

  • Currency
  • Relevance
  • Authority
  • Accuracy
  • Purpose


  • Who is making this statement?
  • For whom is it intended?
  • Why is this statement being made here, now?
  • Whom does this statement benefit?
  • Whom does it harm?

Worksheet 3

  1. In this article, what developmental theory (or theories) seem to underlie the author’s perspective on development? What makes you think this?

  2. Who is the author and who is the intended audience?

  3. If the authors claims are accurate, which groups are most impacted? How? Is this impact positive or negative?

  4. Do you agree with the author’s perspective on the issue? Why or why not?


Copy of Theories and Nature v. Nurture

By cypurr

Copy of Theories and Nature v. Nurture

  • 133