Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood

Review of Ch 5



  • Syllabus edit?
    • Ch 8
    • Midterm date
  • Highlights from Ch 5
  • WS5: Theory of Mind
  • Think-pair-share: Race and Motherhood
  • Blog Article


  • Presentation: Yerlin, April, Lori, Zhiping, Qilin
  • Review Ch 6
  • Blog post (by midnight): Wiktoria Gnojek, Chang Ouk Suh, Dana Michelle Van Fossan, Aiyana Campbell

Ch 5: Cognitive Development in Infancy and Toddlerhood

A quick lecture

Language Developmeny

Major theories:

  • Behaviorist- acquired through conditioning and imitation
    • Scale with complexity?
  • Nativist- innate "universal grammar", we have a Language Acquisition Device (LAD)
    • Early mistakes?
  • Constructionist- Social interaction + Statistical learning produce internalized templates


Parallels with prefigurative Politics

What makes humans unique?

Supporting Early Language

Sensitive Period for Social Interaction

Socially-deprived Romanian Orphans

  • Orphans adopted before 6 months of age “caught up” to peers
  • Orphans adopted after 6 months showed intellectual deficits and autism-like symptoms

The “Video Deficit Effect”

  • Studies find that children under 2.5 years of age consistently learn better from a live person than a video
  • Live Mandarin-Chinese lessons for English-speaking infants allowed children to perceive the sound contrasts in Mandarin;
    • Same lesson on videotape did not
  • Baby Einstein videos
  • Educational Apps


Piaget Sensorimotor Substages

Piaget Sensorimotor Substages

*Object Permanence*

Piaget Sensorimotor Substages


By cypurr


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