Making kids cry...

for science!

& Baby monkeys

Infancy and Toddlerhood


Classical Conditioning

Classical Conditioning

Operant Conditioning


Operant Conditioning

Reinforcers                Neutral Operants                 Punishers










"Don't get"

Operant Conditioning

Reinforcers                Neutral Operants                 Punishers














"More behavior;

Get what you like"

"More behavior;

Don't get what you don't like"

"Less behavior;

Get what you don't like"

"Less behavior;

Don't get what you like"

Write - Share - Compare


Q8: Write your own example:

What is something you would like to change in your life? How might you condition yourself to make this change?

Worksheet 4: Operant Conditioning

  1. A person continues to go to work every day because they receive a paycheck each month.
  2. A child receives a bad grade and loses computer privileges. He gets an A on his next exam.
  3. Singing a second song at karaoke after being praised for the first performance.
  4. When his 4-year old daughter yells at another child, her father gives her a “time-out” by making her sit out of a birthday party for 4 minutes before returning. Upon returning, she does not yell again.
  5. A child pulls a cat’s tail and the cat bites the child on the hand. The child does not pull the cat’s tail again.
  6. Katy hits her brother while they are arguing. Katy’s mom yells at her daughter and Katy learns to not hit her brother.
  7. Sam talks back to his mother. Sam’s mother tells her she is no longer allowed to go to the mall with her friends on Saturday.


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By cypurr

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