Right to Repair

Who owns your chairs?

Who owns your Computer/Phone?

Some misconceptions

  • Repair and tinkering do not violate copyright
  • No burden on manufacturers
  • Precedent in the auto industry (Mass.)
    • (but not the computer bits)

What is the right to repair?

  • Companies want to control property even after you bought  it
  • Making repair risky and difficult

How you're being                  ed


  • Planned obsolescence
  • Killing local repair
  • Over-priced insurance
  • Killing the second-hand market
  • Harder to get replacement parts
  • Enforces digital divide
  • Ecological impact
  • Restrictions on tinkering = cybersecurity risk

How to stay "Premium"


  • 19 states attempting to pass legislation
  • In New York - Joseph Morelle's "Fair Repair Act"
    • Similar to Mass legislation, but for CPUs
    • Never went to a vote
    • Big lobbying push lead by Apple ($18,189)

What you can do



Prefer repair-friendly companies (eg Dell and Lenovo)

Support DIY and makerspaces

Start tinkering :)

Right to Repair

By cypurr

Right to Repair

A summary of the Right to Repair and some legal threats

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