Storm and Stress in Adolescence
- Stats on last week's test
- Reaction Paper check-in
- Closing Qs on Middle Childhood (Ch 9 & 10)
- Context and perspectives of adolescence
Blog Discussion: Mendle et al. (2010)
- Worksheet: Stress in Adolescence
- Presentation from: Stela, Karina, Wiktoria, Regina and May
- Test review
- Review Physical/Cognitive changes in Adolescence through Early Adulthood (Ch 11 & 13)
- Worksheet: Intelligence in Education
Next week
- Blog: Ruck et al. (2016) & skim Ruck et al. (2017)
- Reaction Paper: 11/01 by 11:59pm
- Presentation: Shanice, Aiyana, Zenzele, Anisha, Dana
The Midterm
- Reminder: out of 40 pts,
- (course offers 54pts more than necessary for A+)
- 4 bad questions were tossed out (sorry!)
- Grades/Review Thursday
Reaction Paper
- Two more movie options:
- Lady Bird (2017)
- Room (2015)
- Remove (unless you already did)
- Amour (2012)
- Let me know today if you need help accessing
Due November 1st!
Questions from last week?
What is Adolescence?
- G Stanley Hall
- Helped child-study movement in the 1880s
- Founded American Journal of Psychology (1887), First APA President (1892)
- Advisor was William James (first to teach psychology in US)
- Developed field of Educational Psychology
- 1904 "discovered" adolescence (latin "to ripen") to describe a new developmental phase for the 20th century
- Due to child labor laws & Universal Education
- G Stanley Hall...gets scary👻
- Time for them to "burn out the vestiges of evil in their nature” engulfed in a period of "storm and stress"
- Hall based development on Evolution, saw adolescence as transition from savages to civilized beings
- Theory of development (and adolescence) used to justify white-supremacy
- Advocated for charismatic authoritarian leaders to conduct eugenics/genocide lest society collapsed
Hall, G. Stanley (1904). "Adolescence: ITS PSYCHOLOGY AND ITS RELATIONS TO PHYSIOLOGY, ANTHROPOLOGY, SOCIOLOGY, SEX, CRIME, RELIGION AND EDUCATION". Classics in the History of Psychology. 2. Retrieved November 16, 2011.
- G Stanley Hall - "Storm and Stress", savage instincts from evolutionary past
- Anna Freud (1969) biological forces drive the genital stage, creating volatility which must be resolved.
"Storm" of adolescence may be overstated
(adolescence transition is 3% rise in disturbances, to adult levels)
- Erikson- Identity v. Role Confusion
- Margaret Mead (1928)- Antropologist described a peaceful and sexually active adolescence among Samoans
Note: Difficulties in
cross-cultural research
Puberty (Blog)
- Puberty Timing?
- Puberty Tempo? * Newer concept
- Hypotheses: A more rapid tempo and/or early timing is associated with symptoms of depression
- Participants: NYC public school students over 4 years
- Working class areas of Queens, Brooklyn and Yonkers
Puberty (Blog)
- Longitudinal
- 4 In-home structured interviews with parent (mothers)
- paper survey of parent and child
- Measured:
- Demographics
- Pubertal status (Tanner stages--pubic hair measure)
- Depression symptoms (Children's Depression Inventory)
Major Results
- Early timing stronger predictor in girls
- Rapid tempo stronger predictor in boys
- Early timing and rapid temp is highest risk
Blog Discussion
- Why do you think adolescence has the reputation for being a ”stormy” and “stressful” (and often “rebellious”) period?
- Do you think adolescence is generally stormy and stressful?
- How would you characterize your own adolescence?
- Outline some 3+ factors which may have made it this way?
Stress in Puberty
By cypurr
Stress in Puberty
- 193