


  • Test Review
  • Reaction Paper submission process
  • Worksheet: Stress in Adolescence
  • Review of Video Lecture
  • Worksheet: Childrens Rights

The Midterm

  • Reminder: out of 28 pts (7 of the 106%)
  • 1 Bad question tossed
    • "In Piaget’s first sensorimotor substage, a child is only able to…"

The Midterm

  1. Erik Erickson’s Psychosocial theory of development builds on Freud’s Psychosexual theory by suggesting stages continue past adolescence. Which of the following is a stage from Erikson’s theory and NOT equivalent to one of Freud’s stages?

    1. Generativity vs Stagnation

    2. Trust vs Mistrust

    3. Autonomy vs Doubt

    4. Initiative vs Guilt

    5. Industry vs Inferiority


The Midterm

  1. Which of the following is NOT one of Piaget’s stages of cognitive development?

    1. Postoperational

    2. Concrete Operational

    3. Sensory and Motor

    4. Pre-operational

    5. Formal Operational

The Midterm

  1. Your best friend Kyueun tells you that she is pregnant. You ask how far along she is, and she says she is in the 10th Carnegie stage. Her child is considered a(n)…

    1. Newborn

    2. Embryo

    3. Fetus

    4. Stillborn

    5. Zygote


Reaction Paper

1. Submit a file to

Reaction Paper

Make a post!

1. New Post

2. Title must have your name

3. Paste content of your paper

4. Tag with "Reaction Paper" Category


Worksheet 7

  • Why do you think adolescence has the reputation for being a ”stormy” and “stressful” (and often “rebellious”) period?
  • Do you think adolescence is generally stormy and stressful?
  • How would you characterize your own adolescence?
  • Outline some 3+ factors which may have made it this way?

Worksheet 8

What are nurturance rights? What is an example of how one of these rights may be violated for some/all children in NYC


What are self-determination rights? What is an example of how one of these rights may be violated for some/all children in NYC


In adolescence, these rights you have described often clash with one another. When should a parent prioritize their child’s self-determination over nurturance?

Copy of Stress in Puberty

By cypurr

Copy of Stress in Puberty

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