Welcome back!

"What is Development?"

Jonathan Pickens

Today's Agenda


  • Letters & introductions
  • Review our website/group
  • Review blog assignment
  • Finalize syllabus
  • The what's what of Human Development

Next Week


  • Watch the online lecture
  • Bring at least 3 thoughts or questions
    • (I will call on people)



  • Read the Kurt Danziger (2006) article
    • It is meant to be hard! Hang in there
  • Leave at least 1 comment on either of the blog posts before class
    • Comments will only be counted by 11:59pm on Thursday







  • Bring a list of thoughts/questions you have (I do call on people)

Activity: Letters to your future self

You need:

  • Pen
  • Paper
  • Envelope (provided)
  • I will collect these envelopes, and deliver them to you on the last day of class
  • I will not read them nor make you reveal them to anyone
  • I will give you 10 minutes


Some ideas:

  • Make predictions
  • Words of comfort (you'll be stressed )
  • Thoughts about "development"
  • Reflect on things you are grateful for
  • Provide some small details you'll forget


  • Have you "grown up" in the same way?
  • Name (pronouns)
  • Name one way you've "grown up"


Review our website/group

Request membership or email me

  • How to find the blog
  • How to post to blog
  • Posting/Commenting etiquette


Decisions! (vote)

  • Public? Private?

Blog Assignment

  • Informal writing =/= sloppy
  • ~250 words worth of effort
  • 32pts
    • 10 pts readability and grammar (it was proofread)
    • 10 pts connection to readings
      • Show that you thought about it, don't just summarize.
    • 8 pts connects reading to appropriate media or personal experience
    • 4 pts Inspires discussion (on/offline)
  • Full semester to be assigned next week

Finalize the Syllabus

Why Human Development?

What is


Questions to consider:

  • Is it gradual or rapid?
  • Does it happen at the individual level or societal level?
  • Are there "good" and "bad" forms of development?
  • When is someone "fully developed"?
  • Is illness a part of development?

Life narratives

Why am I crying right now?







This course....







In other words...

  • The intersection of a bunch of stuff
  • More than we could hope to cover
  • Hope to explore by connecting these to our personal/political lives

Course Outline

Week 2&3 – Overview of Developmental Theories

Week 04 – Prenatal Development

Week 05 – Infancy and Toddlerhood

Week 06 – Early Childhood

Week 07 – Middle and Late Childhood

Week 08 – Adolescence & Emerging Adulthood

Week 09 & 10 – Biology & Cognition in Adolescence & Early Adulthood

Week 11 – Early and Middle Adulthood

Week 12 – Late Adulthood

Week 13 – Death and Ethics

Week 15 – Legacies and Life Narratives

(Please sign up on the forums for presentation/blog weeks)

Thanks! See you Monday

(Remember: Watch the video lecture and think of 3 things to say/ask)

What is Development?

By cypurr

What is Development?

  • 204