Learner modelling through interactional data collection
David Alfter
University of Gothenburg
Learner modeling
Language learning individual experience
Learner differences
- Prior knowledge
- Learning speed
- Learning style
- Language background
Online learning platforms rarely personalized
Fixed progression path
Personalized learning environments
Collection of available tools
Collect data from learners using the platform
Profile: static
Learner model: dynamic
- Track learner activity on platform
- Continuous assessment
- Stealth assessment
Education background
Language background
Swell project
Collaboration with teachers
Learner model
Data collected during interaction with learning platform
General data
Not learner-specific
- Current time
- Frequency of use
- Time since last visit
- Screen size of device
- IP address
- Geolocation
Multiple choice vocabulary exercise
- Time taken
- History
- Final answer
Variables to collect
Spelling exercise
Spelling exercise
- Frequent (L1 specific) misspellings
- Difficult sounds
- Diagnostic and prognostic
Hypothesis testing
Evaluation of automatically graded vocabulary list
Grading of new vocabulary items
Adaptive diagnostic test
Different exercise types
- Bundled gaps
- Vocabulary knowledge
- Sentence rearrangement
- Sentence composition
- Multiple choice
Teacher evaluation
To infinity and beyond
- Morphology
- Grammar
Error analysis
Error groups
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Learner modelling through interactional data collection
By daalft
Learner modelling through interactional data collection
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