The Adventures of Dale Alleshouse
Exploiting Force Multipliers
Episode 1337
Force Multipliers
My Philosophy:
- Immersion - Identity Force Multipliers
- Build Trust with Quick Wins but Avoid Sacred Cows
- Start Small - Don't Boil the Ocean
- Iterate - Put a System in Place
- Be Flexible - Plans Are Worthless Planning Is Everything
Tools or processes that AMPLIFY your effort to produce more output
Force Multipliers
- Onboarding Pain
- Complex Machine Configuration
- Competing Dependencies
- IT Support is Arduous
- Lack of Documentation
- Development Pain
- Submodules (Sacred Cow)
- Simulation is manual with several touchpoints
- IT Resources for Automation are Onerous
Senior Management Vision: Productization
Build Trust
- Developer Containers
- Environment Configuration Included in Repositories
- Dependencies are sequestered in a repository
- Changes Immediately Realized by All
- No touch point with IT
- Auto-configuration of Debuggers
- Environment Configuration Included in Repositories
- Deliverables
- Working Example for one code base
- Company-Wide presentation
- Confluence documentation
Goal: Mitigate Developer Environment Configuration Woes
Start Small
- Gather Support and Budget
- Shared Responislbity Model for IT Resources
- Gitlab hosted in Azure Gov Cloud
- T&E and Developers Working from the Same Source
- Deliverables
- GitLab and K8 runners in IL5 Cloud Environment
- AFSIM Containers and Automation Scripts
- Senior Management and Developer Presentation
- Documentation
Goal: Simply AFSIM and Embed Simulations in the Build Pipeline
- DAST, SAST, and Common Defect Scanning
- Package Management
- Deliverables
- KanBan Task Tracking (Just Enough Process)
- SonarQube hosted in Azure Gov Cloud
- Artifactory hosted in Azure Gov Cloud
- Pipeline Improvements: clang-format, clang-tidy, clang sanitizers, gcov
- E2E Tests with Custom AFSIM Scripts
- Documentation
Goal: Migrate to a Packaged Product
Be Flexible
- Road Map
- Hire Product Manager
- Solicit Requirements
- Prioritize Tasking
- Onboarding Documentation and Tutorials
- Build Advanced AFSIM Vignettes
- Eliminate home-grown test frameworks
- Eliminate Submodules in Favor of Conan Packages
- Auto Generate Pipeline for New Projects
- Hire Product Manager
Goal: Demonstrate "Military Worth" of Product
Adventures of Dale Alleshouse
By Dale Alleshouse
Adventures of Dale Alleshouse
- 94