A flexible collaboration tool for multimodal and multiscalar 3D data exploitation.

Matthieu Thivet

Quentin Verriez

Damien Vurpillot

What is Aspectus?

A digital workspace to visualize and annotate multimodal and multiscalar 3D data, for archaeology and cultural heritage.

Mixing a professionnal social network interface with highly efficient web visualization tools.

reflections on complete workflow to manage archeaological digital data from field to archiving, dissemination and valorization

a site (since XIXe)

a museum (1996)

a research centre (1995)

Accumulation of digital data since 20 years

Bibnum :

Photos : A. Mailler, Bibracte

Domus PC2 :

state of the art

a domus in urban district

excavated in 1882

initiation excavation for young people

F. Meylan, 2005
J.-G. Bulliot, 1882

Digital data:

Photogrammetry :

acquisition parameters

Each layer (424m²)


Adaptive methode to area


1mm/pix resolution


42 acquisitions for 92gb

Dji Phantom 4 pro

Canon Eos 6D



Technical insights, feeding the front end

.assessing and processing 3D spatial data

Test: Spatial footprint, density, homegeneity
Cleaning: SOR filter, density threshold (relative to the object and its size)


if massive (>200M?) = Entwine

else .laz or .pnts

big files


light files

less efficient


hierarchical LOD glTF 2.0

.multimodal and multiscalar front end

glTF (3Dtiles)

Entwine, laz,

pnts (3Dtiles)

geojson, kml, czml

(spatial data)




(new isolation window)

Potree (new isolation window

for metrologic insights)




Live demo: back to Bibracte PC2

Cooking the back end and ideas

Integration of cutting-edge point cloud interactive selection and annotation (maybe derived from astrophysics tools).


Context-Aware Selection Techniques and Visual Storytelling

Lingyun Yu (Rijksuniversiteit Groningen​)

Cooking the back end and ideas

Exploring available open source web based collaboration tools.


Cooking the back end and ideas

A flexible collaboration tool for multimodal and multiscalar 3D data exploitation.

Matthieu Thivet (matthieu.thivet@univ-fcomte.fr)

Quentin Verriez (qverriez@gmail.com)

Damien Vurpillot (damien.archeo@gmail.com)

Vienna 11 2017

By Damien Vurpillot

Vienna 11 2017

Vienna 11 2017

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