
Face2Face Feedback

April 24-25, 2024

What Went Well?

I enjoyed the communication and it was perfect. Since I am new to the group, it was great to meet everyone and get to know them. I also enjoyed that ADM, CIO etc.. joined in and shared their vision and knowledge.

The activities, the presenters, the surprise visits, the flexible agenda
The hotel was old but had all the services we needed!
Entire coordination went well. Dana's facilitator skills added a refreshing angle to our meetings
The improvised walk around the Songhees
Connecting with different people for the first time
Everyone being together
Overall the whole gathering went really well. I thought the meeting with Fraser and Bill was valuable for both sides. The pool and drinks was a success in my mind too. 
Interpersonal connections, ice breaker, guest speakers, lunch, walkabout... all of it.
The vibes!
The walk on Day 2.
The after work activities on Day 1.
People were actively engaged in conversations and activities. Events are well planned and organized. Thanks for Dana, Jeremey, Destany and JR.
Everything! It was just what the team needed. I'd advocate for us to have these F2F meeting twice a year.

What went wrong?

None that I can think of.

Lack of commitment from attendees to respond to Dana's emails.

Round table conversations went long, could have been more topic focused.

The games got cut! lol but good rolling with the punches with the schedule.

Nothing.  Pizza place had the wrong date, minor inconvenience of temporary hunger.

Food felt a bit light on Day 1. 

I do see Jakia was freezing cold during the 5km walking. 

What did you Learn?

Priorities from the Executive's perspective

Learned people's career background

In person meetings are still important. Having more interactions with the NRM exec directors might be valuable. I learned so much about my coworkers and understand them so much more.

I learned that in person events can't be replaced by virtual work, and is something we need as a team on a routine basis.

That my coworkers are very interesting people!

Different thoughts and opinions on everything.

So much about my colleagues. It's been incredibly valuable to build those relationships, understanding, and mutual respect. It was also wonderful to hear from the executives. I learnt a lot from Brittney Dekker's visit about her role and direction.

What changes can we make?

Invite partners as presenters, include an outdoor activity (like the one that was improvised)

Better group roundtable prompting questions.
Maybe a confluence page on architecture to document what we did for future people.
Have these meetups more frequently 
More outdoors. 
Breakout group meetings. It would be valuable to have a time slot set-up for sub-teams (e.g. portfoilio teams and/or subject area teams) to talk.

Thank  you for participating in the event and feedback


By Dana Diotte