


how the web got to where it is

1: HTML Documents

  • Request => response
  • Stateless
  • Structured markup: it's just data!
  • Forms

2: Document Object Model

  • Document's programmatic API
  • Traversal
  • Manipulation
  • Events

3: jQuery

  • “Alternative” DOM API
  • Compatibility layer
  • Native implementations adpoted
  • Actually pretty low-level!

“Changing state is the root of all evil”

4: Getting more interactive

  • Problem: Requests lose state
  • What if we didn't have to blow everything away?
  • AJAX: get data in the background!
  • Consequence: Docs become stateful

5: Precambrian Framework     Explosion

  • Problem: Managing state
  • Problem: Performance
  • Problem: Memory leaks
  • Problem: Complexity
  • Problem: ....

6: React's answer

  • Mimic advantages of statelessness
  • ... by "rerendering" everything
  • Colocate markup and state...
  • ...since they're coupled anyway


Web App Evolution

By Daniel Poindexter

Web App Evolution

A brief history of how HTML documents evolved into web applications, and how JS approaches have changed to accomodate

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