2017 Technical Priorities

Stop Flying Blind

Where we are now

Tracking server time

Logging client-side exceptions

Google Analytics... kind of

Where we want to be

"What's the mean time to interactive for Shipper Flow using a mobile device in North America?"

Real User Monitoring

Collect actual user data in production

Synthetic Monitoring

RUM tells us where to focus, Synthetic is our debugger


Home-rolled RUM about to go up

Will trial against other solutions

Homepage "spike" of optimization techniques

Refactor Faster

Where we are

We picked a winner: Typescript

One live project!

Where we want to be

DLS ported before the end of the year

Static compiling in "loose" mode

Problem: state management

Where we are

DLS already running prettier

DLS already running SCSS linting

DLS already running "critital" ESLint set

Where we want to be

Same improvements for Static

Revisit ESLint rules for relevance

Add sets like eslint-a11y

Encode our best practices in static analysis, when possible

More static tools


By Daniel Poindexter