The Maker Movement & Rochester
Dan Schneiderman
What is the Maker Movement?
- Designing
- Hacking
- Creating
- Painting
- Sewing
- Performing
- Woodworking
- Glass Making
- 3D printing
- Animation
- Soldering
- Re-using
- Tinkering
- Crafting
- Inventing
- Programing
- Welding
- Circuit bending
- Exploring
- Everything
physical location where people
gather to share resources, work on projects, teach, and help each other out
There are now over 400 Community Makerspaces in the World
Makerspaces In Rochester
Interlock Rochester
Rochester Makerspace
Rochester AdaSpace
Monroe County Library System
Other Libraries
- Sully Branch - 3D Printers
- Greece Library - 3D printer
- Irondequoit Library
- Webster Library - considering adding a makerspace in the near future
Chili Library Teen Makerspace
Rochester Institute of Technology - The Construct
University of Rochester - Rettner Hall
Brockport College - Drake Memorial Library Makerspace
Rochester Mini Maker Faire
Rochester Maker Movement & Politics
In June of 2014, the White House held their first Maker Faire.
Rochester, along with 100 other cities, was declared a "Maker City" by the White House.
National Week of Making
June 12th-18th
So How Does This Relate Back to Education?
You can learn just about anything through making
Makerspaces & Clubs at Schools
Harley School
Allendale Columbia - Design and Innovation Lab
Tips on Creating Makerspaces in Schools
1. Let the student's passions decide the projects
2. You don't need fancy tools to get the job done
Tools to Invest In
- Glue Gun
- Soldering Iron
- Wrench Set
- Drills
- Hand Saws
- Markers
- Hammer
- Screwdrivers
- Pliers
- Measuring Tape
- Safety Glasses
- Bandages
3. Create a space that is right for you
- Space
- Sound
- Storage
- Safety
4. Build for what you don't already have
4. Reach out to the community
The Community Loves to Help
- Mentoring
- Giving Talks
- Field Trips
- Showing off projects
5. Make Mistakes and get Messy
- Community Nights
- Interlock Rochester - Every Tuesdays
- Rochester Makerspace - Every Thursday
- Crafternoons on the First Sunday
- Art Shows on the Third Friday
- Field Trips for schools to the spaces
- Rochester Mini Maker Faire is November 21st
- Educational Discounts Available
- Start your own Maker Club
- School Maker Faires
How to Get Involved
Future Maker Ideas for Rochester
- Mobile Maker Space
- Maker Cart for Hospitals (Project M@CH)
- A Meeting of the Makers during the National Week of Making
Resources I recommend
Articles I recommend
Local Makerspaces
Hands On Activity
Paper Circuits
LED Throwies
The Maker Movement, Rochester, & Education
By Daniel Schneiderman
The Maker Movement, Rochester, & Education
The Maker Movement has become huge in Rochester, NY. Makerspaces have been popping up left and right, and the city has even been declared a "Maker City". What are the details and how does it tie into education?
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