Python for Atmosphere and Ocean Scientists
Daniel Wheeler
NOAA (virtual), 12/11/2020
- Software -- Jupyter, AOS Python stack
- I'm assuming you have a little experience with Python
- Please ask me to slow down in the chat interface
- What are we doing?
- Organize your software -- Conda environments
- Using Xarray with NetCDF files
- Vectorization (not writing loops in Python)
- Anything else that you'd like to learn
- Present your own data
- Trying to read and manipulate your own data
Study Material
SWC, heavily Pandas based
Python like you mean it
Automate the boring stuff
Why learn Python?
It's a programming language - doesn't matter
Alternatives: Matlab, Mathematica, Perl, Ruby, Julia
Widely used in science
Widely used outside of science (web platforms, data science)
Number 3 on TIOBE index (Java, C, Python),
What else: huge active community, many scientific libraries, high level, open
Some drawbacks (types, reproducibility)
What do your friends use?
AOS Stack
Python software is like the wild west compared with Matlab
Python Environments
- What happens if we only use the "system" Python?
- We need many different Python environments
- In the beginning there was pip and it was ok
- How do we share environments?
- 5-10 years ago Conda became popular
- create any number of new environments
- other language support (Ruby, R, Javascript, C extensions)
- Conda has problems
- There are other choices (e.g. Nix)
By Daniel Wheeler
- 509