WDIM387 Week 3

JavaScript Objects

Instructor: Dan Muzyka


Object Literals

var dracula = {
name: "Dracula",
age: 582,
hungry: true,
bloodSupply: 0.2,
feedOn: function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;

Object Literals

Handy for one-offs (singletons), but what if you need a bunch of similar objects?

var dracula = {
name: "Dracula",
age: 582,
hungry: true,
bloodSupply: 0.2,
feedOn: function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;
var lestat = {
name: "Lestat",
age: 252,
hungry: true,
bloodSupply: 0.2,
feedOn: function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;


No classes in JavaScript, but you can use constructor functions.

var Vampire = function (name, age, hungry, bloodSupply) {
this.name = name || "Dracula";
this.age = age || 500;
this.hungry = hungry || true;
this.bloodSupply = bloodSupply || 0.2;
this.feedOn = function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;

var dracula = new Vampire();
var lestat = new Vampire("Lestat", 232);

What are some potential problems with this approach?


If you want to share a property or method across objects (instead of creating a new copy of it in memory each time), add to the prototype.

var Vampire = function (name, age, hungry, bloodSupply) {
this.name = name || "Dracula";
this.age = age || 500;
this.hungry = hungry || true;
this.bloodSupply = bloodSupply || 0.2;
Vampire.prototype.feedOn = function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;

var dracula = new Vampire();
var lestat = new Vampire("Lestat", 232);

Constructor Limitations

What happens if you forget the new keyword?

var Vampire = function (name, age, hungry, bloodSupply) {
this.name = name || "Dracula";
this.age = age || 500;
this.hungry = hungry || true;
this.bloodSupply = bloodSupply || 0.2;
Vampire.prototype.feedOn = function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;

var dracula = Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);


Constructor Pattens Enforcing "new"

Factory function pattern:

var Vampire = function (name, age, hungry, bloodSupply) {
var that = {
"name": name || "Dracula",
"age": age || 500,
"hungry": hungry || true,
"bloodSupply": bloodSupply || 0.2
return that;
var dracula = Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);

What are some potential problems with this approach?

Constructor Pattens Enforcing "new"

Prototyping issue with factory function approach:

var Vampire = function (name, age, hungry, bloodSupply) {
var that = {
"name": name || "Dracula",
"age": age || 500,
"hungry": hungry || true,
"bloodSupply": bloodSupply || 0.2
return that;
Vampire.prototype.feedOn = function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;
var dracula = Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);
dracula.feedOn(lestat); // TypeError: dracula.feedOn is not a function

Constructor Pattens Enforcing "new"

Self-invoking constructor pattern:

var Vampire = function (name, age, hungry, bloodSupply) {
if (!(this instanceof Vampire)) {
return new Vampire(name, age, hungry, bloodSupply);
this.name = name || "Dracula";
this.age = age || 500;
this.hungry = hungry || true;
this.bloodSupply = bloodSupply || 0.2;

var dracula = new Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);


var Undead = function() {
if (!(this instanceof Undead)) {
return new Undead();
this.alive = false;
this.animate = true;
// Dynamic Prototype Pattern
// This only evaluates to true the first time this function runs.
if (typeof this.attackHuman !== "function") {
Undead.prototype.attackHuman = function () {
console.log("Attacking a human!");
// Vampire constructor here...
// Create an Undead object and assign it as the prototype for Vampire
Vampire.prototype = new Undead();
var dracula = new Vampire();


// Undead constructor...
// Vampire constructor...
Vampire.prototype.feedOn = function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;
Vampire.prototype = new Undead();
var dracula = new Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);
dracula.feedOn(lestat); // TypeError: dracula.feedOn is not a function


// Undead constructor...
// Vampire constructor...
Vampire.prototype = new Undead();
Vampire.prototype.feedOn = function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;

var dracula = new Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);
dracula.feedOn(lestat); // This works


Inheritance is dynamic:

// Undead constructor...
// Vampire constructor...
Vampire.prototype = new Undead();
var dracula = new Vampire();

Undead.prototype.moan = function() {



You can override inherited methods and properties:

// Undead constructor...
// Vampire constructor...
Vampire.prototype = new Undead();
var dracula = new Vampire();
Undead.prototype.moan = function() {

Vampire.prototype.moan = function() {



Determine if an object property is on the object itself, or somewhere else up the prototype chain.

// Undead constructor...
// Vampire constructor...
Vampire.prototype = new Undead();
var dracula = new Vampire();

Undead.prototype.moan = function() {

Vampire.prototype.moan = function() {

console.log(dracula.hasOwnProperty("moan")); // What do you think?
console.log("moan" in dracula);


Limitations of the factory function approach:

var Vampire = function (name, age, hungry, bloodSupply) {
var that = {
"name": name || "Dracula",
"age": age || 500,
"hungry": hungry || true,
"bloodSupply": bloodSupply || 0.2
return that;
Vampire.prototype.feedOn = function(person) {
if (this.bloodSupply < 1) {
person.bloodSupply -= 0.1;
this.bloodSupply += 0.1;
var dracula = Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);
dracula.feedOn(lestat); // What happens here?


Problems with reference type properties on prototypes.

// Vampire constructor...
Vampire.prototype.victims = [];

var dracula = Vampire();
var lestat = Vampire("Lestat", 232);





Stop Nesting Functions (But Not All of Them)

Discuss Video

Lab Time

Start homework and reading for next week.


WDIM387 Week 3JavaScript Objects

By danmuzyka

WDIM387 Week 3JavaScript Objects

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