bypassing email and never missing a lead
Presented by: Dan Stramer / @danst
WordCamp Niagara, August 2018
About Dan
- Front End Designer and Developer
- Creating with WordPress since 2009
- Mentor and Teach at Canada Learning Code
- Active member at WP Toronto meetups
- Father of 3 boys
About you
- You create / manage a WordPress site
- You have a blog that is powered by WordPress
- You create sites for clients
- You have a contact form on your site
- You do not want to lose any leads
What we'll talk about today
- What is the goal of your website
- What is a contact form and how are contact forms used
- Detaching the form from email
- The solution
Goals of a site
- Product
- Service
- Idea
What is a contact form?
A form on a website that allows users to communicate with the site owner. The form has fields for filling in name, address and type of comment.
What is a contact form?
A form on a website that allows users to communicate with the site owner. The form has fields for filling in name, address and type of comment.
what can go wrong?
- Site issues, mail function, plugin collisions
- Server issues
- Internal organisation IT
- Mail box full
- Privacy
What can we do?
- Disconnect the form from email
- Save leads on site regardless of email
- Send leads to 3rd party
There are more than a few ways of doing this, I am going to talk about 2
Flamingo is a WordPress plugin created by the author of Contact Form 7 (Takayuki Miyoshi), which works together with contact forms on your site and allows all the leads to be saved on site regardless of email.
Asana is a project management platform which can help us manage our leads from our site by sending them over using SMTP
Install plugin
Extra Credit:
flamingo_email: "[the-email-field]"
flamingo_name: "[the-name-field]"
flamingo_subject: "[the-subject-field]"
flamingo_name: "[first-name-field] [last-name-field]"
Project management platform which we will use to send our leads to
- Centralized place for leads
- Team Collaboration
- Backup
- Create a new project
- Add tasks via email, get an email address
- add the to: email field to the contact form
- "From" field in your form should be associated with your Asana account (!important). Use SMTP plugin if needed.
- Send form
- Go to Asana and check your lead
These are the values that are passed to Asana:
Email >> Task in My Tasks
CCed email recipients >> Task followers
Email subject >> Task name
Email body >> Task description
Email attachments >> Task attachments
More info in Asana's guide
one more thing...
Blog posts about this content:
Bypassing email and never missing a lead
By Dan Stramer
Bypassing email and never missing a lead
WordCamp Niagara
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