

Dev Team

Why Healthcare? 

  • The next great market disrupted by mobile
  • Tremendous Innefficient market
  • Designed for Information Age
  • Changing people's life
  • Sensors collecting data matters about you 
  • Oranizing big data
  • Puting the control in the hands of the consumer
  • Holistic view of the status of your health
  • Control your health.
  • Manage medical records from multiple sources
  • Have real-time access to all your records
  • Share medical records with your doctor and take notes on the recods themselves
  • Share option to Email or Fax the record.


  • We’ve invented a new way for you to learn about your health and get useful and trustworthy health information when you need it most.

  • No more scouring the internet for information that may or may not be reliable and which is most definitely not about you.

  • We’ve introduced a ground-breaking way for you to get help from doctors swiftly, conveniently, and cost-effectively.

  • Influencer - health enthusiasts on social networks join and make a difference

  • Fast and Immediate Care
  • Focused, Board-Certified Physicians
  • Only $40 Per Visit. No Monthly Fees


Existing Product Services

By David Chuang

Existing Product Services

  • 642