Online 2020

Goals and Objectives

Mission Statement:

Become the world's leading health and beauty retailer.

We Bring More To Life


Delivering a seamless shopping experience accommodating your lifestyle.

But, our customers are busier than ever. 

Work has become more efficient, yet we remain overwhelmed. What can we do to help?

We bring more LIFE to you :)

Global Citizen

Always Connected

Scenario #watsonline sim card that keeps you connected to any store wifi, any membership, check out with wireless payment at any AS Watson store around the globe.

Strategy Integration with Hutchison Global Communications and all loyalty programs though out AS Watson affiliated retailers

Expand Virtually

Scenario Traveling around the world and #watsonline  will appear in your language and allows you to buy locally.

Strategy Launch H&B e-stores into markets where we have no physical presence: eg Africa, S.America. Also consider launching mass H&B into markets where we only have luxury

Leveraging ECommerce technical and logistics experience to quickly expand to markets around the world.  

Points is the new Currency

Scenario Redeem your points any where in the world and not to worry about currency and pocket of changes.

Family Oriented


Click to you

Pick up lockers installed in major train stations or shopping malls for convenient collection of goods. Even include 1 hour delivery to these locations

Mission Statement

By David Chuang

Mission Statement

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