Park Life

Free music and movies in Minneapolis

parks via text messaging

Image credit:


What is this?

An application that responds to text messages by sending information about free music and movie events in Minneapolis parks.

Text FUN to (763) 273-5353


Tools used:

  • Python 
  • Google App Engine
  • Google Cloud Datastore
  • Twilio
  • Python libraries
    flask, icalendar, pytz

Creating the project

  1. Go to

  2. Click on "Create Project"

  3. Select "Try App Engine"

  4. Download the sample project

  5. Install the Google SDK if needed

Getting the data

  • Download calendar from Minneapolis Parks website
  • Convert from iCalendar format to JSON
from json import JSONEncoder
import json
from datetime import datetime
from icalendar import Calendar, vDDDTypes, Event

class ICalendarEncoder(JSONEncoder):
    def default(self, obj, markers=None):

            if obj.__module__.startswith("icalendar.prop"):
                return (obj.to_ical())
        except AttributeError:

        if isinstance(obj, datetime):
            return ('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S'))

        return JSONEncoder.default(self,obj)    

cal = Calendar.from_ical(open('basic.ics','rb').read())

event_list = []
for event in cal.walk(name="VEVENT"):
    suspect = json.dumps(event, cls=ICalendarEncoder)
    working = json.loads(suspect)
with open('cal.json', 'w') as f:
    cal_js = json.dumps(event_list)

Creating the data model

from google.appengine.ext import ndb

class Event(ndb.Model):
    summary = ndb.StringProperty()
    description = ndb.StringProperty()
    start = ndb.StringProperty()
    end = ndb.StringProperty()
    date = ndb.StringProperty()
    location = ndb.StringProperty()
    uid = ndb.StringProperty()

Loading into a database

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True

import json
from models import Event
from util import utc_to_central, time_to_string

def load():
    with open('cal.json') as f:
        events = json.load(f)
    for data in events:
        if 'RRULE' in data:  # Recurring event
        start = utc_to_central(data['DTSTART'])
        end = utc_to_central(data['DTEND'])
        date = "%d%02d%02d" % (start.year, start.month,
        start_time = time_to_string(start)
        end_time = time_to_string(end)

        event = Event(
            summary = data['SUMMARY'].strip(),
            description = data['DESCRIPTION'].strip(),
            date = date,
            start = start_time,
            end = end_time,
            location = data['LOCATION'].strip(),
            uid = data['UID'])
    return 'OK'

Utility functions

from datetime import datetime
from pytz import timezone
utc = timezone('utc')
central = timezone('US/Central')

def utc_to_central(s):
    dt = datetime.strptime(s, '%Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ')
    dt = utc.localize(dt)
    return dt.astimezone(central)

def today():
    dt = datetime.utcnow()
    dt = utc.localize(dt)
    dt = dt.astimezone(central)
    return datetime.strftime(dt, '%Y%m%d')

def time_to_string(t):
    s = str(1 + ((t.hour - 1) % 12))
    if t.minute:
        s += ':%02d' % t.minute
    if t.hour > 11:
        s += 'pm'
        s += 'am'
    return s

Responding to a text

from flask import Flask
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config['DEBUG'] = True

from util import today
from models import Event
from google.appengine.ext import ndb
import twilio.twiml

@app.route('/message', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def reply():
    query = Event.query( == today())
    messages = []
    for event in query:
        messages.append('%s %s (%s)' % 
                        (event.start, event.summary, event.location))
        response = twilio.twiml.Response()
        if len(messages) == 0:
            response.message('No events today')
            response.message(' | '.join(messages))
    return str(response)
  1. Purchase a Twilio phone number
  2. Set the SMS request url to

Park Life

By David Radcliffe

Park Life

  • 1,093