Abdullah Ghani Awan 

Son of Lubna Tanveer and Tanveer Ahmed Awan 


Siblings: Haroon Ghani Awan (19), Mohammad Tayyab Ghani Awan (11) and Dil Awan (10) 

Age: 14  Class: 8

Abdullah Ghani Awan 

Abdullah truly loved animals. He kept parrots, hens, rabbits and fish at home. When the hens laid eggs, he eagerly waited to see them hatch so he could play with the chicks. A dozen chicks were born just recently, but Abdullah was not there to see them.

His father says he was close to Abdullah, and that he would seek his son’s opinion each time he dressed up to go out. He says he would only wear waistcoats when Abdullah approved the colour. 

He recalls a time in the UAE, when he dared Abdullah to swim in a hotel pool that had strict rules regarding swimwear. He said Abdullah had a word with the lifeguard, and jumped right in fully clothed. He loved to take up a good challenge. 


Adil Shahzad  

Son of Muhammad Younas and Azra Bibi


Siblings: Afan Shahzad (12), Aliza Shahzad (9) and Ahmed Ali (6)

Age: 14  Class: 9

Adil Shahzad 

A clever and responsible child, Adil Shahzad was the eldest of four children and regarded as a role model by his siblings and cousins.


Adil wanted to be a professor and aspired to get a PhD degree. A bright student, he enjoyed English, Urdu and Islamiat. He was also a good athlete, but had fractured both legs  in 2010, making running difficult. 


Adil was fond of the outdoors and picnics and tours with friends whenever he visited his village. Among Adil’s favourite foods were the milk and curd of his village, and the apples, bananas and oranges which grew there. 


Adil and his siblings watched Doraemon together, his favourite cartoon. His family members are proud of him and miss him every day. MORE

Ailian Fozan

Son of Muhammad Fozan Shafi and Ayesha Fozan


Siblings: Famia Fozan (16) and Fiza Fozan (9)

Age: 14  Class: 9

Ailian Fozan

Ailian spent every spare moment of his time riding his bicycle. I had decided what bicycle model I was going to buy him after his exams, his father said. 


Active and sociable, Ailian was a good student too. His parents proudly display his letters of appreciation and certificates. He had planned to join the Pakistan Air Force.  MORE



Ammar Iqbal 


Son of Mr. and Mrs. Nauman Iqbal


Age: 14  Class: 8

Ammar Iqbal 

Ammar Iqbal's family could not be contacted for this obituary.


His teachers describe Ammar as an intelligent and obedient student. 

Miss Jameela says he had a jovial disposition and teased both students and members of staff.


He was a hard worker and outstanding in his studies. He wanted to become a surgeon. MORE

Arham Khan 

Son of Sanaullah Khan Khattak and Noreen Sana


Siblings: Shaheer Khan (24), Zawat Khan (23) and Yashfeen Khan (19) 

Age: 14  Class: 8

Arham Khan 

The youngest of four siblings, Arham was a brilliant student who had earned a double promotion from grade 6 to grade 8. 

He took a keen interest in computers and was just learning to chat through Skype and Facebook. 

His favourite food was Peshawar’s popular Chappali Kababs, which he would often ask his father to get for him on his way home from work. 

Even at his young age, Arham would play the role of mediator if his siblings quarreled, and was the one who would help them patch up after an argument.

His family, especially his father, misses their young boy very much. Mr Khattak often goes to his son’s room to clean it just as Arham liked it. MORE

Atif ur Rehman  

Son of Wazir Rehman and Bibi Zahra



Age: 14  Class: 9

Atif ur Rehman  

Atif ur Rehman, the youngest of eight siblings, aspired to be a doctor and serve the residents of his village. His elder brother facilitated Atif’s move from their village to Peshawar for his studies.

A technology enthusiast, he enjoyed watching informative documentaries about gadgets and playing computer games. The responsible and soft-spoken teenager also liked playing cricket and football and was an avid Justin Bieber fan. 

His elder brother says he feels Atif’s absence every day. He says after the family lost Atif, they were going through his schoolbooks and found he had written: “I love you, Dad. If anything happens, I would not let you down before anyone.” MORE



Awais Ahmed   

Son of Sub Ikramullah and Hameeda Ahmed


Siblings: Ishfaq Ahmed (26), Nazia Ahmed (25), Shahab Ahmed (23), Waqas Ahmed (18), Zeeshan  Ahmed (17) and Nimra Ahmed (8)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Awais Ahmed   

A respectful and empathetic child, Awais wanted to study medicine and become a doctor. He often lamented the condition of hospitals, particularly those in villages, and hoped to do his bit in improving and reforming systems. 


Awais was the youngest among the sons, and his father, who has lost two sons to the massacre, remembers him as his most intelligent child. He was very good in maths and helped his siblings in academics.

Young Awais was also fond of keeping pets. At one point, he had two pigeons that he looked after and when one of them died, Awais couldn’t eat anything out of grief. MORE

Awais Nasir 

Son of Jamal Abdul Nasir and Rozeena Nasir


Siblings:  Hira Nasir (20), Sana Nasir (17), Haris (12) and Abdul Nasir (11)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Awais Nasir 

Awais was of a happy disposition. Although almost always in a jocular mood, he remained respectful of elders. He was also a responsible brother of four siblings, and would never hit back when squabbles with his brothers would get a little out of hand. 


Shaken by the death of his son, Jamal Abdul Nasir talks about how Awais loved dressing well. It was only three days before his son’s passing that Jamal had brought him three new suits from his trip to China. Those suits could never be worn by his son.  

Awais was very close to his mother. His epitaph says “da moor bachay” (Pashto for son of the mother). He went to see the plot of land the family had bought t construct a home on, the day before his passing. He had asked his mother when the construction would begin, to which she said "after Ramazan". At the time Awais said he may not be alive to see it. MORE

Baqir Ali  

Son of Rashid Ali Bangash and Shehla Rashid


Siblings: Alia Rashid (22), Humaira Rashid (22), Babar Ali Khan (19) and Uzma Rashid (17)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Baqir Ali 

Be it a Spelling Bee or excellence in Arts, Baqir was an extraordinary student. He was so fond of reading, that he would finish his work and read books from his elder sister’s school curriculum. He had a superb memory and wanted to put it to good use by becoming a doctor. 

Unlike other children his age, Baqir was a serious child. His father says he did not crack jokes and had a mature personality. His siblings describe him as a child who was always curious about knowing more. 

He was dear to his parents and siblings as he was the youngest in the family. “We are missing your voice, your chuckle, your presence and all the fun we used to have,” his sisters say. MORE

Fahad Hussain 

Son of Akhtar and Sameena Hussain


Siblings: Ahmed Hussain (17), Uzair Hussain (16) and Asim Hussain (9)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Fahad Hussain

Fahad was killed the day of his birthday. The night before the attack, he had invited his friends and cousins to celebrate his birthday at home.  

His friend Rehman describes his friend's bravery on the day of the attack.  When militants entered the classroom and opened fire, Fahad opened the door and asked all his friends to run out. He stood at the door and made sure his classmates evacuated the room. It was then that he was hit on the head and leg.


He called out to the others to tell his brother Ahmed, also a student at the school, to come help him. But it was too late. MORE

Fazal Raheem  

Son of Muhammad Usman and Mrs. Usman


Siblings: Mohammad Faisal (22), Mohammad Faheem (21), Momna (19) and Nemra (12)

Age: 14 years  Class: 8

Fazal Raheem  

Fazal took admission in APS for the sole purpose of joining the Pakistan Army as an officer. 

He enjoyed cricket and often played against his brothers on the roof of his house as their father forbid them from playing in the streets. He also liked horse-riding and often went to parks for the very purpose. Fazal was also a skilled guitar player. 

He was closest to his mother. All the children in the family were given a weekly allowance of Rs50 but Fazal, according to his father, finished his pocket money in a single day and would come asking for more. When his father refused him once, he rushed to his mother and said in jest, “Why couldn’t you marry someone else?” MORE

Muhammad Furqan Haider


Son of Farhad Ali Bangash and Raheela Khatoon


Siblings: Nargis Batool (13) Fatma Batool (10) and Mohammad Zulqarnain Haider (8)

Age: 14 years 

Class: 8

Muhammad Furqan Haider

Furqan resided with his family in UAE but a year before his death, he took admission at APS to fulfill his ambition of joining the Pakistan Army. During that time he lived with his uncle in Peshawar, whose eyes fill with tears as he remembers his nephew. Even if somebody spoke to him harshly, he would never lose his patience or smile, his uncle says. “He was a good boy.”


Furqan was fond of babies and often took care of his younger siblings and cousins.  He also loved baby chicks and would often bring them home. 


He enjoyed watching and playing cricket. If there was a power breakdown, he would run to his neighbour’s, who had a generator, to continue watching the match. MORE

Hamayun Iqbal 

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Mohammad Iqbal


Sibling: Sadia Iqbal (19), Palwasha Iqbal (17), Nafeesa Iqbal (15),Usman Iqbal (13), Shabir Iqbal (11) and Ali Iqbal (4)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Hamayun Iqbal 

Hamayun was a naughty but loved student. At least once a week, his father would be called to the school due to this trouble-making boy.


He says the minute he would reach the gate, the gate keeper, watchman, gardener, teacher and head teacher would start off, full of complaints about him.  But because he was a good student, no one ever became angry with him. He was known in school as “Italian boy”.

He was close to his father and had a special bond with his grandfather Haji Saddar Azam. Humayun’s father says his grandfather had not been able to the bear the loss of his beloved grandson and grows weaker each day. MORE

Hamid Saif 

Son of Nasreen Saif and Saifullah Khan


Siblings: Naeem Saif (26), Khalid Saif (24), Sajid Saif (21) and Aamir Saif (18)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Hamid Saif 

The son of a soldier, Hamid was a star student. He was given awards and prizes for best English vocabulary and essay writing as well as best picture memory and earth day poster. He also won a Best Young Journalist certificate.

On the day of the attack, he had prepared a presentation and asked his uncle to pray it is the best in the class.

His teachers said he had leadership qualities as he was parade commander at school and was also selected to be proctor.

He used to joke with his father and lovingly call him by his first name, a gesture his father says he will never forget. MORE





Hamza Kamran 

Son of Muhammad Kamran Shafi and Najma Kamran


Siblings: Momina Kamran (18) and Hira Kamran (16)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Hamza Kamran  

Hamza was a studious child. He had held several positions in his class and had also won many awards for sports and other activities. 

The only brother of two sisters and close to his mother, Hamza would eat whatever meals were cooked at home but did particularly enjoy burgers and karhai gosht. 


His parents recall how the one month the family spent together during Hajj last year created fond memories for them now that Hamza is no more. During Hajj, Hamza looked after two old ladies, helped them with their wheelchairs and made sure they were comfortable. MORE

Haris Nawaz 

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad Nawaz


Sibling: Ahmad Nawaz (15)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Haris Nawaz   

Haris and his brother Ahmad were both targeted the day of the attack. While Ahmad was grievously injured and later treated at a UK hospital, Haris lost his life. 


He was an intelligent child and bagged top positions from nursery till class eight. His room is full of certificates and medals.


His parents describe their boy as an obedient and respectful child. He wanted to grow up and be a doctor. He dreamt of opening a hospital that treated the poor free of charge. MORE

Hasnain Sharif  


Son of Mr. and Mrs. Sharif Gul



Age: 14  Class: 8

Hasnain Sharif    

Hasnain was an only child. When asked to talk about his son, his father says he is unable to express his sorrow. He had big dreams for his son. He hoped that Hasnain would complete his studies and work hard to make a mark in society. 


Hasnain loved to visit his village, where he played for hours with the baby farm animals. He was quite particular about his clothes and would often ask his father to buy him new outfits.

His mother was unable to speak. She misses her son very much. MORE

Khushnood Zeb  

Son of Rana Aurangzeb and Ruqia Bibi


Siblings: Rana Sana Zeb (20), Hafiz Rana Muhammad Aftab Zeb (16) and Rana Muhammad Mehtab Zeb (16)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Khushnood Zeb    

According to his father, Rana was a brilliant student and had excellent oratory, reading and writing skills. 


Rana wanted to become an army engineer and serve the nation. He idolized cricketer Shahid Afridi and would try to emulate his style. Among politicians, he liked Imran Khan and would often do a parody of him. 

The family finds it hard to accept that their son is dead. They say it is still hard to eat or laugh the way they did when he was alive. MORE

Muhammad Abdullah Zafar 

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad Arshad Zafar      

Siblings: Muhammad Obaid (12) and Ali Musa (4)

Age: 14  Class: 9

Muhammad Abdullah Zafar 

Although a child, Abdullah could not really enjoy the carefree days of youth; his father died when he was just 12. He did not play pranks or act naughty like most other children his age, his mother says as she describes how he looked after the family. When everyone slept at night, Abdullah would wake up and make sure all the doors of the house were locked. 


He was close to his mother and his love reflects in the many drawings he made to thank her. 

Aspiring to join the army, Abdullah was also a position holder and would always remain among the top five students in his class. Not only was he bright, he was also creative in his thinking and had made a mathematical formula for his studies. MORE

Muhammad Ghasaan Khan 

Son of Amin Khan and Bibi Ayesha   


Siblings: Saima Amin (18), Palwasha Amin (18), Sawera Amin (16) and Mohammad Sharim Khan (12) 

Age: 14  Class: 8

Muhammad Ghasaan Khan  

Known as the young scientist of the school, Ghasaan was a bright student and a position holder in his class.


He was creative and his father, who is a PHD scholar, says that Ghasaan’s writing was impeccable and barely needed any correction. He was fond of writing poetry in both English and Urdu languages. 


Ghasaan’s teachers also recognised how bright he was and called him the teachers’ motivator.  


Ghasaan’s father tells that on the day of exam result, the school guards and gatekeepers would wait for him as he would always distribute a special meal. MORE

Muhammad Haris Khan 

Son of Ghulam Din and Shahida Nasreen


Siblings: Faisal (15), Usman (10), Faizan (Late, 3)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Muhammad Haris Khan   

Haris’ death crushed his family. For his parents, it was the second time they had lost a child, as their son Faizan had passed away at age three. 

His mother describes Haris as an obedient child who did everything for her the moment she asked. She says he was a responsible boy, who took care of her after the death of her first son. She adds that they were more best friends than mother and child.

She says that while she kisses her children goodbye before they leave for school, that fateful day she did not kiss Haris as he was running late – something she deeply regrets.


His family struggles to cope with the loss of a second precious member. MORE

Muhammad Salman 

Son of Muhammad Ikram and Hameeda Bibi


Siblings:  Abdur Rehman (7), Ayesha (9 ) and Madeeha (2)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Muhammad Salman   

The eldest among his siblings, Muhammad Salman aspired to become a doctor and his father was prepared to send him abroad to study medicine in case he failed to secure a position within Pakistan. 


He enjoyed playing cricket and was good at the game. However, riding bikes was his favourite past-time. His father remembers how Salman would look for any opportunity to go out on the bike. 


A jovial child, Salman cracked jokes all the time and would do parodies of famous actors and celebrities. 
He was very close to his grandfather and since Salman’s death, his grandfather’s health has been deteriorating. MORE

Muhammad Tayyab Fawad 

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad Fawad


Siblings: Dursham Fawad (12) and Manahel Fawad (10)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Muhammad Tayyab Fawad  

A position holder in his class, Tayyab was not only bright when it came to studies but was also a very good volley ball player. He had won several awards.


His father tells how Tayyab was short-tempered and would do things in a hurry but at the same time made sure he didn’t get angry in front of his father. 

Tayyab lost his mother in 2009 and at a very young age after which his grandmother looked after him. He learned many things by himself, such as riding a bike and using the computer. His family misses him. MORE

Nangyal Tariq

Son of Tariq Jan and Shagufta Tariq


Siblings: Mehwish Tariq age (18), Sohail Tariq (13) and Sawail Tariq (7)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Nangyal Tariq  

For the most part, Nangyal Tariq was a somber boy but he would on occasion crack jokes to make his family members laugh. He showed a keen interest in studies and wanted to become an Army Captain. 

He liked experimenting with his hair, and would often come up new hairstyles, his mother says.  


Nangyal was affectionately called Sher Khan – he loved being addressed by his pet name. His family says that if he was ever unresponsive, the trick was to call him ‘Sher Khan’ to get his attention.


Muhammad Shaheer Khan 

Son of Shagufta and Muhammad Tahir Khan


Siblings: Mumna Khan (20), Mohammad Munib Khan (16) and Tooba (12)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Muhammad Shaheer Khan  

Shaheer’s mother finds it hard to come to terms with the senseless killing of her son. She still keeps the tie he wore to school that morning, which now has visible tears from the bullets. 

Shaheer was a naughty student. He loved computer games and had been begging his parents to buy him a PlayStation 4, which costs Rs48,000. When his parents told him he could only buy it if he did well on his exams, mischievous Shaheer prepared a hand written report card in order to claim his gift. 

The family say they are trying to be brave but they miss their boy terribly. MORE

Sahibzada Omer Khan 

Son of Fazal Mohammad Khan and Zaib-un-Nisa


Siblings: Sahibzada Afrasiab Khan (11), Sahibzadi Mishal Khan (6), Sahibzadi Aleena (4) and Sahibazada Jasem (9 months)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Sahibzada Omer Khan   

The eldest of five siblings, Omer played the role of the responsible older brother. His parents say he was an extraordinary son. He knew what they needed even before the said a word.

If his mother was busy with household chores, he would cook for his father and siblings. He was called the ‘leader of the house’. On the weekend, he would wake up early morning and wash his father’s cars without being asked.

Omer’s mother wakes up every night, searching for her son. The family prays for strength and say he is in a better place. MORE

Saif Ullah Durrani  

Son of Tehseen Ullah Durrani and Falak Naz


Siblings: Sana (19), Hafsa (17) and Ammara (11)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Saif Ullah Durrani   

Saif Ullah Durrani was known as ‘Potato’ to his classmates because of his love for the spud. He was very fond of food.

He and his brother often competed with each other to offer regular prayers at the mosque. Keeping the mosque clean and rendering other services to it was important to him. 

His sister says he was naughty, which other children liked. Every time she asked him to bring something for her, he would ask for a commission, refusing to do so otherwise. 

His father says his son would not eat lunch or dinner unless the gardeners, gatekeepers and drivers had theirs. He would personally go to them and ask them if they had eaten, and if any one hadn’t, he would request his mother to prepare a meal for them. MORE

Shahood Alam 

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Zahoor


Sibling: Aresha Alam (13)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Shahood Alam    

Shahood was an extraordinary student. With nearly 50 certificates and awards to his credit, it is no surprise that the young boy was a prominent figure at school as the proctor and ‘peacekeeper’.

His teachers remember him as the ‘shining star’ of the school. He hoped to take his CSS exams and work in Pakistan’s civil services. 


Shahood was very responsible, and had opened a bank account and got a passport made for himself. His parents, who keep his cheque books and passport with them, say he had saved thousands of rupees in his bank account. MORE

Sher Nawaz 

Son of Zuman Bibi and Masha Din


Siblings: Shah Mohammad (16) and Saad Mohammad (8)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Sher Nawaz   

Sher Nawaz was a considerate and kind boy. He believed in living a modest existence and never asked his parents for more money than was required. 

According to his father, whenever Sher Nawaz went to visit his relatives, they would be full of praise for his good manners.

Sher Nawaz was also very helpful around the house. When he came home from school, he would help his mother in the kitchen, wash the dishes and clothes and knead the dough for cooking roti. MORE

Syed Mujahid Hussain Shah 

Son of Zaib Hussain Shah and Sadia Bibi (late)


Siblings: Shahid Hussain Shah (15), Majid Hussain Shah (11), Maryum (9), Maria (7) and Fawad (1)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Syed Mujahid Hussain Shah    

When his mother died, Zahid took it upon himself to take care of his siblings. He never wanted them to feel her absence, so he showered them with love. His youngest sister Maria was his favourite.


His father says Zahid was an ordinary student; he worked tremendously hard. His best subject was English. He was fond of skating. His father bought him a pair of skates much to his delight, so he would often be seen skating outside the house.

His family says losing him has made them very bitter, but they pray for endurance and for better days. MORE

Ali Abbas 

Son of Mr. and Mrs. Muhammad Akram Shah


Siblings: Sundas Shah (13) and Ali Anis (9)

Age: 14  Class: 9

Ali Abbas    

A native of the Nowshera district, Ali is described by his parents as a polite and considerate child who did not make demands of them as other children sometimes do. Whether it was clothes or other gifts, he was content with whatever he was given.


If there was one thing he was particular about, it was his appearance – especially his hair and skin. He had a special oil and cream for his hair and skin. 

He was very close to his mother and grandmother, with whom he shared a special bond. Sometimes in the winter, he would tease his grandmother by switching the fan on and removing her blanket. She would lovingly make sweet parathas for her grandson. 


His absence in their lives is felt every day. His sister and mother weep for Ali and say they will never forget him.


Sohail Aslam 

Son of Hav. Muhammad Aslam and Sakeem Aslam


Siblings: Muhammad Zohaib Aslam (9) and Muhammad Zeeshan Aslam (5)

Age: 14  Class: 9

Sohail Aslam     

Eldest among the siblings, Sohail was a responsible and caring child. Being the eldest, he was closer to his parents and would help them out in looking after the younger siblings and helping his mother in the kitchen. Sohail was very close to his brother Zohaib. 


Sohail was a bright student and wanted to study in LUMS after high school. He began attending APS in November 2014, soon after his father’s transfer to Peshawar. 

Sohail’s father remembers how his son made tea for the parents on the morning of Dec 16. He remembers Sohail to be really happy at the time. MORE

Syed Husnain Shah

Son of Syed Fazal Hussain and Saima Fazal Hussain


Siblings: Syed Talib Hasnain (11 months)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Syed Husnain Shah    

Husnain had big dreams. He had a passion for science and engineering and wanted to invent something that would change the world.

According to his mother, Husnain was the ‘perfect son’ who would always help her around the house.

“He always joked around with me and always made me laugh,” Husnain’s mother says. MORE

Tanveer Hussain

Son of Naib Subidar (retd) Atta Mohammad and Jatti Bibi


Siblings: Mehwish Nasim (17), Khawar Shahzad (16) and Mohammad Faraz (12)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Tanveer Hussain   

Aspiring to become a doctor and serve the people of his native village, Tanveer was a bright and responsible child. Although young, he was heavily relied upon by his siblings, both older and younger, for help with their homework. 

Tanveer was a good debater and would often partake in debating competitions. His father recalls how Tanveer had won many medals and how he himself wrote and worked on concepts for his debates. 


His father remembers how Tanveer would also help his mother out in house chores and was a source of support to all members of the family. MORE

Uzair Ahmad 

Son of Zahoor Ahmed and Farahnaz


Siblings: Tahira (13) and Fatma (2)

Age: 14  Class: 9

Uzair Ahmad    

Uzair was a big wrestling fan. He loved watching matches and also collected figures and photos of famous wrestlers in an album.

He was an obedient son and was respectful of his elders. He was very close to his mother. His father recalls how, every day when he would return from work, Uzair would wait at the gate and jump onto his shoulders to greet him. They would often sit in the garden and talk about their day.

Uzair's family says their lives seem to have come to a standstill without him. MORE

Mohammad Uzair Ali 

Son of Gulab Perveen and Ahmad Ali


Siblings: Malaika Ali (11) and Mohammad Jalal Ibrahim (7.5)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Mohammad Uzair Ali    

Mohammad Uzair Ali was a brave boy. His friends say on the day of the attack he fell atop them, shielding them from harm. This is why, according to the medical officer, Uzair was hit with 13 bullets. 

That day, he had been told off by his history teacher. In a light-hearted way, Uzair said to her, “Miss, today you did not wear make-up, that’s why you are angry. Please, wear make-up! When you do, you are in a good mood.”

He was very dear to his grandfather, Haji Ali Khan and both were like best friends.  His mother says her son was a generous boy, and once gave Rs120 to a poor woman who was begging on the street for blood pressure medication. MORE

Umair Arshad  

Son of Arshad Ali and Salma Arshad


Siblings: Ayesha Arshad (17), Sumayya Arshad (14), Muhammad Uzair Arshad (9) and Mohammad Zubair Arshad (5)

Age: 14  Class: 8

Umair Arshad    

The son of a soldier, Umair aspired to become an airforce pilot. He used to collect pictures and information on fighter jets used by Pakistan and other countries. For his age, he had a good understanding of what it takes to be a soldier in a country marred by terror.  


Umair was also very fond of race cars and heavy bikes and loved collecting pictures of these vehicles. His father remembers how he had bought a bike for Umair and wanted to surprise him but it was not to be. It was the day of the APS attack. Umair’s bike stands by the porch of his house, still unused. MORE

Age 14

By Dawn.com

Age 14

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