How to Lose a Legacy
Software Citation in Astronomy
Daina Bouquin
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
I'm a librarian.
Harvard University
Smithsonian Institution
Some things that I work on:
- arXiv Next Generation IT Advisory Group
- CfA Scientific Computation Advisory Committee
- Mozilla Foundation Open Leaders Advisor
- Software Preservation Network Steering Committee
- Unified Astronomy Thesaurus Steering Committee
The relationships between signifiers
and what they stand for in reality.
How we understand what something means.
Vocabulary of a person, language, or branch of knowledge.
(contains the signifiers)
- Something superseded but difficult to replace.
- Something received from an ancestor or predecessor.
- Having a privilege or special status.
Copernicus, N. (1543). Nicolai Copernici Torinensis De revolutionibus orbium cœlestium libri vi. Norimbergae: Apud Ioh. Petreium.
Sometimes all three
- Superseded but difficult to replace.
- Received from an ancestor or predecessor.
- Has a privilege or special status.
Galilei, G. (1610). Osservazioni e calcoli relativi ai Pianeti Medicei.
Galileo (67 years later)
Threatened with torture
Imprisoned for life
Burned his books
Galileo didn't know his chicken scratch would be important.
(Largely seen as the birth of observational astronomy and the scientific method)
People didn't care that much about Copernicus' model.
(It was easy to dismiss)
Meaning is collective agreement about a specific thing at a specific time.
Semantic meaning is not static.
Humphrey, S.D. (1849). Multiple Exposures of the Moon: Nine Exposures, daguerreotype.
Sometimes it's more about privilege.
Earliest image of the moon extant.
earliest surviving image
Gift to the President of Harvard at the time.
(This is it on my desk.)
Now it's art.
means context
Daguerreotype "Recipe book"
Matters because of its relationship to astro daguerreotypes.
Provenance guides prioritization for curation.
Curation is work.
The creators of these objects did not need to care about the historic meaning of their work.
Provenance could be determined so we gave these things meaning and prioritized them for curation.
We know what to call these things and
we know how to take care of them.
These items are part of your astronomical heritage.
We don't have norms yet for how to give things like this semantic meaning.
- Superseded.
- Received from a predecessor.
- Privileged.
Knowledge is more than books and articles.
I have very little provenance.
When does something like this matter?
How do we semantically link this to anything?
How would someone find it?
(What do I call it?)
Mechanisms for modeling relationships between the information gathered from provenancial sources.
Logical framework where
semantic metadata can be recorded.
The fact that a thing exists in a place at a time does not give it meaning or make it identifiable.
I can describe this thing but give it little meaning.
Cultural norms prevent me from throwing this away.
(I would feel bad)
"I bet there's a paper."
A paper could provide some provenance.
Our schema should definitely have a field
where we can identify a relevant paper.
Remember though:
- It would take time and effort to find a paper.
- If the paper exists it is probably behind a paywall (privilege).
- I might not be legally able to own or distribute the paper (publishing models).
Who got to be an author on the paper?
Who didn't?
Is the author of the paper identical to
the creator of this thing?
Who gets credit?
This object is not a paper.
We need to be able to directly identify the object to distinguish between the object and our sources of provenance.
What are the nodes in our
semantic network?
What does this have to do with citations?
What if I wanted to cite the daguerreotype?
give credit to Samuel Dwight Humphrey
(the photographer)
help someone else find the daguerreotype
(it's a physical thing)
expand the object's semantic network
(allow its meaning to change)
I would not cite the
Daguerreian Journal
Not the thing I want to cite
Wrong year
Improper attribution
Humphrey, S.D., & Hill, L.L. (Eds.). (1850).
The Daguerreian Journal.
I would not cite
Humphrey's handbook
Not the thing I want to cite
Wrong year
Humphrey gets credit, but
not for the physical
daguerreotype of the moon
Humphrey, S. D. (1858). American Hand Book of the Daguerreotype. (5th ed.)
Humphrey, S.D. (1849). Multiple Exposures of the Moon: Nine Exposures, daguerreotype.
What if we were talking about software?
Astronomers have written software for decades.
But there were no norms telling people
what to do when they wanted to share
how software enabled their research.
(how to give credit to specific software authors who enabled their research)
Software was not valued the way that papers and data are
(still are not)
but people wanted to give
software credit and software authors wanted credit, so they hacked the system.
No one writes "IRRIPLACEABLE" on all the important software and gives it to a librarian.
(and that's never going to happen)
"preferred citations"
Citing Something Else
Remember why you wouldn't do this for the daguerreotype?
authorship ambiguity
Different software versions have different authors– how many papers would the software authors need to write?
makes locating software more difficult over time
Links break (if they exist at all)
can put open source documentation behind paywalls
Remember privilege? Not all software papers are OA
Software citations are made indistinguishable
from citations to for other purposes
Mentioning Software Doesn't Work Either
Machines can't find these types of "citations"
(humans can just read them)
Titles are ambiguous
(software also has many "aliases")
ADS search for software called "Stingray" returns papers about:
- the Corvette.
- actual stingrays (i.e., animals)
- stingray-shaped objects
- stingray nebula
- multiple instruments named "STINGRAY"
"It's on GitHub."
just means it's in a place right now
What about pointing to the software's location?
(the repo)
This page doesn't exist there anymore.
Uniform Resource Locator
Locations change.
Provenance changes.
Metadata changes.
Meaning changes.
Changes over time.
The meaning you are trying to express now will be different from what will be located at this URL later.
This is not what you cite because
it is fragile and has no unambiguous meaning.
Unambiguous way to point at a specific thing in a specific place at a specific time.
(DOI, URI, Bibcode, arXiv ID, etc.)
Where the thing you are pointing at is at a specific time.
I want you to have a scientific legacy.
Software will be the foundation on which future generations must build new knowledge.
Your work is someone's heritage.
Code is speech.
Archives mint identifiers
and curate metadata to ensure your work is findable and has meaning that can change over time.
This page has a URL:
This page is an interface where metadata is displayed.
The metadata is stored
with the identifier (DOI).
The URL is just another piece of metadata.
DOIs are not magic
DOIs are resolvable.
DOIs are bound to metadata
and minted by a registry.
Curators are responsible for updating location metadata.
indexes curated metadata about your work.
They can only work with the metadata they are given.
When we enrich metadata
new connections (meanings) are possible.
Who does the work?
Libraries and archives aren't the direct
stewards of your work anymore.
We need to be able to find your work though.
You need to be able to make informed choices about it.
Our bibliographies represent your work.
We need to work together.
You control your metadata.
You are your own cataloger.
software authors
Machine-actionable metadata about your software.
Creating a CodeMeta file gives your software provenance so when you deposit your software in an archive, that archive understands how to take care of and understand your software.
CodeMeta uses JSON-LD
(JSON linked data)
Lets us translate our lexicon from one schema to another.
Enables interoperability and further contextualization.
Identifiers can be mapped to other identifiers.
Things you can do
right now
Software Authors
License your data and code explicitly
- Make it clear who can do what with your software
- see: Copyright Guide for Scientific Software
Create a CodeMeta file
- Minimally include enough information to cite your software
- CFF is also a good option
Mint a software DOI by archiving your software
- Deposit a release of your software and metadata files in a digital archive (Zenodo, Figshare, etc.)
- You can reserve a DOI for your CodeMeta file before you make your deposit
- Preferred citations/instructions about attribution
- Make sure these enable direct access to the software using your DOI
- If you have many versions of software, decide who the authors are for each version (also get ORCiDs).
Cite archived software directly.
No one else will catch mistakes.
You are your own copy editor.
article authors
Article Authors
Unambiguous, direct software citation
- If the preferred citation is not to the software, cite the software and the other thing.
- Always cite the archival copy of the code when it exists
- You might need to look for it, so just do a quick check before you cite a development repo
- If you need to cite the repo, cite a specific release
- Consider the version that you are citing.
- Who are you trying to give credit?
- Put software citations in the references section
Cite your own code in a software paper
- tells others how you want it cited
A case study - Credit Lost
Two Decades of Software Citation in Astronomy
CodeMeta file generator
SSI Guidance for Archiving Software
Archiving software using Zenodo/GitHub
Software Citation Checklist
In-text software citation examples
And yet it moves.
We have a complete history of nothing.
Some things get a legacy and some things don't.
Your work matters.
How to Lose a Legacy
By Daina Bouquin
How to Lose a Legacy
Presented at Space Telescope Science Institute's Engineering and Technology Colloquium, February 9, 2021
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