Web performance optimisation for

single page applications


Stefan Baumgartner

"Internet Batman"


Daniel Khan

Technical Product Manager



A little story...

This is Harry... we were out in Vienna

When we needed some train infos...

3.5 minutes!





Initial request

HTML Payload

Change request via POST/GET

New HTML Payload




Initial request

HTML Payload

Change request via AJAX



  • Provide an app-like experience. You never leave the app!
  • You reduce communication to a minimum: Small payloads to the server, deltas or instructions on what to present to the client
  • They are prone to network issues. You can solve a ton of UX gotchas in the client
  • They are super easy to deploy

SPAs are hard ...

  • The app has some boot-up time on the client (parsing JS, fetching data, rendering ...)
  • The app has to be a lot smarter. Possible UX troubles have to be handled by the client software 
  • Flaky networks harm the UX
  • Fallbacks are hard, and states are hard to share ...

We need metrics!

The classics don't cut it anymore

  • Load event means that we loaded all of the initial resources. That's about it.
  • Traditional SPAs fire that load event when the JS file has been parsed. All subsequent loads of data and rendering are past the load event

GMail: Onload in a few seconds

Amazon: Onload needs 15 sec

Perceptual metrics

Speed Index

Speed Index the average change of contents inside the viewport expressed in milliseconds.


A slower speed index means the user perceives it faster. 

Visually complete

Visually complete indicates when there are no more visual changes in the viewport. Expressed in milliseconds.


We can ensure that the user  has everything they need in their direct viewport

Good Speed Index


Bad Speed Index

Synthetic & RUM


Gives you a stable baseline. Cloud locations allow you to have a predictable set connections, screens and devices.


No matter for how many users you test, there will be a configuration you can't test for. Be it connection speed, device, screen size, browser. RUM is important to get an (aggregated) overview for all that.

iOS Screen sizes 2013

Android screen sizes 2013

147 different browsers

Task 1: Set up Synthetic

Task 2: Set up RUM

Task 3: Add compression

Task 4: Perceptual improvements

Task 5: On demand loading

Notes: Frameworks

Notes: Server Side Rendering

Notes: HTTP/2

Web performance optimisation for single page applications

By ddprrt

Web performance optimisation for single page applications

  • 425