Fusing representations for code-mixed low resource language processing


  • Low resource language data being generated at a large scale now.
  • Major work has been done only for English-x language code-mixed language models.
  • Untapped potential of low resource to low resource code-mixed language data.

Notable Work

Proposed Solution

Generate data using GCM

GANFusion to fuse representations

Extract representations and use for a demo task

Repeat for multiple language combinations

What is GANFusion?

Architecture from https://arxiv.org/pdf/2105.01129.pdf

Pre-processing for the z-vector

  • Text cleaning using Ekphrasis
  • POS tagging to create a "(subject, object, verb, modifier)" pointer
  •      is passed through a LSTM+Word Attention model to create the input to GAN:


  • Low resource code-mixed language processing
  • Transfer Learning to English-x code-mixed tasks
  • Social computing based Computational Social Science Tasks
  • Future tasks may include probing these models for possible learned biases

Thank you!


By deep1401


Presentation for Unicode Research project

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