Porosity Analysis for Zinc Batteries with the Presence of Separator
Felipe Delestro
Marita Afiandika :)
Cell configuration:
Zn | separator | Zn
1st charge
Air bubble trapped inside the separator
3rd charge
- Quantitative analysis of air bubbles in the 1st and 3rd charges using the local thickness method.
- 3D visualization of the segmented air bubbles for each charging process.
Raw data
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
First charge Min value......: 0 01 percentile..: 0.0 Mean value.....: 3683.970543939831 99 percentile..: 6621.0 Max value......: 14674
Third charge Min value......: 0 01 percentile..: 0.0 Mean value.....: 3669.664374997597 99 percentile..: 6750.0 Max value......: 34058
Image saturation
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
First charge Min value......: 1 01 percentile..: 3054.0 Mean value.....: 5480.655669660708 99 percentile..: 6500.0 Max value......: 6500
Third charge Min value......: 1 01 percentile..: 2733.0 Mean value.....: 5464.09689373318 99 percentile..: 6500.0 Max value......: 6500
Filtering: Gaussian filter
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
First charge Min value......: 1897 01 percentile..: 3927.0 Mean value.....: 5479.558434083045 99 percentile..: 6500.0 Max value......: 6500
Third charge Min value......: 1878 01 percentile..: 3790.0 Mean value.....: 5462.999659734237 99 percentile..: 6500.0 Max value......: 6500
Thresholding to create binary images
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
Min value......: False Max value......: True
Min value......: False Max value......: True
Morphological operations: 1. Removing noises by median filter
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
Min value......: False Max value......: True
Min value......: False Max value......: True
Morphological operations: 2. Binary closing (dilation and erosion)
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
Min value......: False Max value......: True
Min value......: False Max value......: True
Morphological operations: 3. Fill holes
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
Min value......: False Max value......: True
Min value......: False Max value......: True
1st charge | Z slices
3rd charge | Z slices
1st charge
3rd charge
Sample | Volume of bubbles (voxels) | Total volume (voxels) | Porosity (%) |
1st charge | 13474285 | 179383062.96 | 7.51 |
3rd charge | 27083390 | 179383062.96 | 15.10 |
Porosity ratio
Porosity ratio =
Volume of bubbles
Total volume
x 100%
Local thickness
1st charge | middle slice
3rd charge | middle slice
1st charge
3rd charge
- Segmentation is possible using classical image analysis approaches, but some refinement is still needed.
- The bubble total volume increases by approximately a factor of 2 after the 3rd charge.
- The size distribution of bubbles does not change after the charges (local thickness distribution remains similar)
Cinemax VIII
By Felipe Delestro
Cinemax VIII
- 204