Hosted by

WiFi- Tinyconf


Digvijay Wanchoo

A. Manager, Marketing &

Communication, GeekyAnts


Sanket Sahu

CEO & Co-Founder, GeekyAnts


We host Meetups on React Native, Flutter & Lots More...

International Conferences is our Thang!

Previously On Tinyconf

An open-source UI component library for React Native.

Current standing at 12,317 GitHub

100k+ downloads every month.

The technology behind the official Paralympics 2018 App.


How we

We Wrote a Part of the Flutter Docs Specific for React Native Devs

Experiments that Blow Minds, Not Things!

To-Do app with Hasura

Galaxy 2D Game

Tinder Card Swipe Animation

Snake Game

Our First Web Dashboard in HummingBird

Follow what we're doing with cutting-edge tech​

Connect with us!


Tinyconf 2

By Digvijay Wanchoo

Tinyconf 2

  • 242