
TypeScript lets you write JavaScript the way you really want to.
TypeScript is a typed superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript. Any browser. Any host. Any OS. Open Source.

What is it?

  • Introduced in October 2012 by Ander’s Hejlsberg
  • Free & Open source language
  • It is a “superset of JavaScript”
  • Build Plugins for maven, gradle, grunt and gulp
  • Rapidly becoming an Industry Standard (Angular)

What is a superset?

It's ES2015!

  • Arrow Functions
  • Spread
  • Block scoping (let & const)
  • Classes with constructors, get/set
  • Enhanced Object Literals
  • Template Strings
  • Destructuring
  • Iterables and Iterators
  • Types
  • Decorators (from ES7)
  • Generics
  • Enums!
  • Class Extensions
    • ​Access Modifiers
      • Interfaces
  • Namespaces


Why use TypeScript?

  • It's JavaScript, but better...with intellisense and API help
  • Built for JavaScript at Scale
  • Smaller Transpiled output than ES2015's
  • Help's Identify Bugs during design... instead of after deployment
  • Easy to configure
  • Better overall code readability in large codebases
  • Ease of refactoring
  • Use new ES6 features in older browsers
  • IntelliSense auto suggest in code editors

Design Time Analysis

  • Finding bugs earlier in your development process
  • Fix a bug in your logic at design time rather than fixing the bug at run time.
    • A compile-time bug will fail every time you run the compiler, but a runtime bug can hide until the exact scenario that triggers it is manually stumbled upon.
  • Runtime bugs can slip under a crack in your logic and lurk there (sometimes for months) until discovered.

TS is JavaScript at Scale

  • Checks code on the fly at design time
    • Compatible with most editors, via plugins to:
      • Provides custom code completion
      • Error identification via tooltips (with plugin support)
    • Allows you to catch bugs prior to JS build
  • Transpiles to ES5
    • Plugs right in where babel is used to transpile ES2015
    • tsc watcher for compiling on save
      • ​You can see the ES5 output live (split-plane)
    • ES5 output is ~HALF the size of Babel’s

TypeScript Transpilation

  • Why is it smaller?
    • No type checking required in our code
    • No type checking added into the output
// ES2015
doSomething (smidge) {
  if (smidge instanceOf repo
    && smidge.myProp) {
    let a = smidge.myProp;
// Transpiled ES5
function doSomething (smidge) {
  if (smidge instanceOf repo
    && smidge.myProp) {
    var a = smidge.myProp;
// TypeScript
doSomething (smidge:repo) {
  let a = smidge.myProp;
// Transpiled ES5
function doSomething (smidge) {
  var a = smidge.myProp;

Easy to configure


    "compilerOptions": {
        "module": "commonjs",
        "noImplicitAny": true,      // to allow untyped vars 
        "removeComments": true,   
        "preserveConstEnums": true,
        "out": "/build/app.js",
        "sourceMap": true

TypeScript Features

  • Types + Void + Any
  • Optional Parameters
  • Decorators
  • Generics
  • Enums
  • ...

TypeScript Types

var num: number = 123;
function identity(num: number): number {
  return num;
identity('string'); // error!

var myNumbers : number[] = [170, 2.6, 2245, 3032, 400];

Void & Any

function initSomething() : void {
var pointless = initSomething(); // Compiler Error
// if you absolutely have to (don't do it young Jedi!)
var foo : any;
foo = 'Hello!';
foo = true;
foo = 42;

Optional Parameters

buildName(firstName: string, lastName?: string {
  if (lastName) {
    return firstName + ' ' + lastName;
  } else {
    return firstName;

let result1 = buildName('Steve');                   // 'Steve'
let result2 = buildName('Steve', 'Hartzog');        // 'Steve Hartzog'

// Compiler error, too many parameters
let result3 = buildName('Steve', 'Hartzog', 'Jr.'); 


function identity<T>(arg: T): T {
  return arg;

let output = identity("myString"); // 'string'
let output2 = identity(13); // 'number'


enum CardSuit {

// Sample usage
var card = CardSuit.Clubs;

switch (myCard.suit) {
  case CardSuit.Clubs:
    console.log('Not a club.');

Class Extensions

  • Access Modifiers
  • Interfaces
  • Namespaces
class Person {
    constructor(name) {
        this.name = name;
    greet() {
        return 'My name is ' + this.name;

var annabelle = new Person('Annabelle');

// > My name is Annabelle
class Person {
    constructor(public name: string) { }
    greet(): string {
        return 'My name is ' + this.name;

var annabelle = new Person('Annabelle');

// > My name is Annabelle




Access Modifiers

// JavaScript Revealing Module Pattern

class EpicRide () extends Chevrolet {
  let myVector = { };
  vectorProperty(vectorMovement) {};

  return {
    direction: myVector;
    drive() {};
// TypeScript

class EpicRide () extends Chevrolet {
  private myVector: Vector = { }
  private move(movement: Vector): Void {};

  public direction: myVector;
  public drive() {};


interface Point {
  x: number;
  y: number;
class Line {
  constructor(start: Point, end: Point) { }
  length(): Number { }
var start: Point;
var end: Point;
start.[x, y] = { 13, 3 };
start.y = 3;
end.x = 26
end.y = 6;

var myLine = new Line(start, end);
var myLineLength: Number = myLine.length(); // 13.34



  • aka Internal Modules
  • Reduce global footprint
  • Open to be extended
  • No Helper libraries required
// SNI.Utilities
// utilities.ts

import truncate from 'truncate';
import moreText from 'moreText';

namespace Strings {
  export Truncate = truncate;
  export MoreText from moreText;

export Config = function(config: object) {
  // Strings default configs are set here.
  //... additional utility configs here


// SNI
// sni.ts

import ads from 'ads'; // from ads team.
import analytics from 'analytics'; // from analytics team.
import video from 'video'; // from video team.
import utilities from 'utilities';

export Ads = ads;
export Analytics = analytics;
export Video = video;
export Utilities = utilities;

export Config = function (config: object) {
  // Default configs are set here.
  //... additional configs here


// app.ts

import SNI from 'sni';
import { config } from 'package.json';

// config all SNI namespace scripts

// Specific commands for any items in the SNI namespace

// Using the namespace truncate utility
let outputString = SNI.Utilities.Strings.Truncate(someValue);

How to install TypeScript?

  • Install Node.js 
  • Install TypeScript by running:
npm install -g typescript 

As IDE you can use Visual Studio Code https://code.visualstudio.com/


  • As open as JavaScript.
  • It IS ES2015, PLUS.
  • Smaller, simpler output than babel.
  • Advantages at scale.
    • Helps catch bugs at design time.
    • Custom Code Completion.
  • Easy to integrate into existing build.
  • Plugins for all dev environments.
  • Simple to convert.
  • Java is strongly typed, and now JS can be too.

Useful links



TypeScript Old

By Dima Pikulin

TypeScript Old

  • 1,137