Dima Vishnevetsky

The hidden powers





Most of you used SVG before!


We all know that we can use SVG for scalable icons

We can also animate them and still be able to control all the styling

Some of you used SVG for other stuff besides Icons

We all know we can use SVG for graphics and illustrations

Who used SVG for anything else?

Using SVG for illustrations and icons only scratches the surface of this format’s potential on the web

About me

Dima Vishnevetsky

💚 VueJS Israel community leader

💼 Consultant

📐 UX / UI Designer

🖼 Media Developer Expert @ Cloudinary

👨‍🏫 #HackathonMentor

🎓 Lecturer

🗣 International Tech speaker

👨‍💻 Front End Architect

SVG and Front End frameworks

Vue documentation suggest using SVG Icon Systems

    viewBox="0 0 100 100"
    >Scissors Animated Icon</title>
      d="M0 0h100v100H0z"/>
    <g ref="leftscissor">
      <path d="M..."/>
    <g ref="rightscissor">
      <path d="M..."/>

We can copy the SVG code directly inside our templates

Of course, we don't like to do it manually, we have tools to help us


    <a href="">
      <VueLogo />
    <a href="">
      <SVGOLogo />
    <a href="">
      <WebpackLogo />
import VueLogo from './public/vue.svg';
import SVGOLogo from './public/svgo.svg';
import WebpackLogo from './public/webpack.svg';
export default {
  name: 'Example',
  components: {

Using SVG as a component feels very natural

Is this a talk not about the common knowledge on how to use SVG?

Import SVG with webpack

Use SVG sprites with

<symbol> and <use>

Wait a minute

const webpack = require('webpack');

module.exports = {
  entry: './src/index.js',
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.(js|jsx)$/,
        exclude: /node_modules/,
        use: ['babel-loader'],
        test: /\.svg$/,
        use: [
            loader: 'svg-url-loader',
            options: {
              limit: 10000,
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" class="icon shape">
  <use xlink:href="#shape"></use>

In this talk we will focus on the What

I don't think that most of the Front End Developers are as comfortable with SVG as they should be

Developers (and I'm guilty of this myself) will in most cases build stuff using HTML and CSS instead of drawing it in a much simple and easy way with SVG

Everything done with SVG can be created using HTML & CSS


SVG is one of the most powerful technologies available on the web



Make money 🤑 from SVG


Can we do with SVG?

Show emotions with SVG animations

3D with SVG

Build design systems

  <mochi-box shiba="anko" mood="cheeky" 
    left-eye="open" right-eye="laugh"
    left-ear="flat" right-ear="middle"> 
      <a target="_blank" href="#">Sweet Bean</a>
    <p class="shop uemachi" title="uemachi">うえまち団子</p>
.anko {
  .outline { stroke: #3c2012; }
  .fur { fill: #603d1e; }
  .fur2 { fill: #fad4af; }
  .inner { fill: #fad4af; }
  .eye { fill: #3c2012; }

.MochiShiba {
  &.blush {
    #cheeks { visibility: visible }
  &.content {
    [id^=mouth] { visibility: hidden; }
  &.happy {
    [id^=mouth] { visibility: hidden; }
    #mouth2 { visibility: visible; }
  &.excited {
    [id^=mouth] { visibility: hidden; }
    #mouth3 { visibility: visible; }
Vue.component( "MochiShiba", {
  template: `
    <div class="MochiShiba /" :class="styleClass">
      <svg class="shiba" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" width="152" height="174" viewBox="0 0 152 174">
        <title>Mochi Shiba</title>
  props: {
    size: { type: String, default: "medium" },
    shiba: { type: String, default: "okaka" },
    mood: { type: String, default: "" },
    leftEye: { type: String, default: "open" },
    rightEye: { type: String, default: "open" },
    leftEar: { type: String, default: "up" },
    rightEar: { type: String, default: "flat" },
    blush: { type: Boolean, default: false }
  computed: {
    ears: function() {
      let l = "l4";
      let r = "r4";
      if ( this.leftEar === "up" ) { l = "l1"; }
      else if ( this.leftEar === "down" ) { l = "l3"; }
      else if ( this.leftEar === "flat" ) { l = "l2"; }
      if ( this.rightEar === "up" ) { r = "r1"; }
      else if ( this.rightEar === "down" ) { r = "r3"; }
      else if ( this.rightEar === "flat" ) { r = "r2"; }
      return `/ ears ${l} ${r}`;
    eyes: function() {
      if ( this.leftEye === this.rightEye ) {
        return `/ eyes ${this.leftEye}`;
      } else {
        return `/ eyes l${this.leftEye} r${this.rightEye}`;
    cheeks: function() {
      return this.blush ? "/ blush" : "";
    styleClass: function() {
      return `${this.size} / ${this.mood} ${this.eyes} ${this.ears} ${this.cheeks}`;
  methods: {},

Micro Interactions

Non standard UI elements


Animated logos

Media queries

media queries embed within the SVG file, work from the SVGs viewport size.

Text effects




Line drawing

Filters & effects

Interactive Infographics

Interactive stuff

React to mouse events based on shapes


Be creative with background image

Be creative with favicons

<link rel="icon" href="data:image/svg+xml,<svg xmlns=%22 viewBox=%220 0 100 100%22><text y=%22.9em%22 font-size=%2290%22>🔥</text></svg>">

Browsers started supporting SVG for favicons

Be creative



Whats next?


Why use SVG?

Resolution independent and future-proof


File Size


Multicolor - More CSS control than any other method


Animatable and Scriptable


Browser support


Better accessibility and SEO


Semantically correct - SVG is an image (not drawing stuff with div/span)


Ease of use - Easy to create and manage using apps and build tools


It's a syntax - you can read it, you can change it


Key takeaway

When you solving any issue, ask yourself why not use SVG?


Thank you

Dima Vishnevetsky


SVG - The hidden powers - digitech 2020

By Dima Vishnevetsky

SVG - The hidden powers - digitech 2020

Revealing stuff you can and should do with SVG

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