- An Open Source Fairytale

“Life would be much easier if I had the source code.”



About me

Dima Vishnevetsky

Front-end Architect

Media Developer Expert - Cloudinary


VueJS Israel Co-Organizer

Public speaker

UX / UI Designer



No one can deny it: Vue.js is booming

"The Progressive JavaScript framework is making big gains with a growing community of users & a large number of developers wanting to learn how to use it"

The Creator

Evan You

Creator of Vue.js

  • Did some creative coding in the browser and started building some Chrome experiments.
“I just took only a few computer classes and I didn’t think I would become a programmer”- Evan You
  • I was becoming pretty bored and decided to turn Vue into a proper open source project.
  • Came to the US when he was 18
  • Wanted to become a designer and went to Parsons Designer School in NY - Master of Fine Arts in Technology.
  • Used AngularJS but wanted to build something lighter, so he started to experiment in the early stages - for about 6 months.
"What if I could just extract the part that I really liked about Angular and build something really lightweight without all the extra concepts involved?"

How Vue started

Developing Vue: A Timeline

2017: Evan’s Patreon breaks $10k/mo.
"Oh wow, people are actually comparing Vue to Angualr and React all the time now"

2014: Evan first released it as an actual project. put it out on Github and sent a link to               Hacker News, got voted to the front page.

Evan's point of view

2018: Evan hires his first full-time employee to fix bugs.

2016: Evan begins full-time work on Vue, funded through Patreon.

2015: Evan spends all of his vacation time to ship v1.0 in October.

2013: Evan starts Vue in his spare time while working at Google.

How did you manage to become financially sustainable with Vue?

"I’m creating value for these people, so theoretically if I can somehow collect these values in a financial form, then I should be able to sustain myself."

How did Vue become so big in that short time span?

Gentle learning curve

Developers agree that Vue is one of the easiest frameworks to learn and master.

Well-defined ecosystem

Developers can choose a solution to a specific problem very efficiently.

Out-of-the-box official Command-line Interface (CLI)

Vue CLI - a system created and supported by the Vue Core Team that reduces to a minimum the time developers usually spend on initial project setup and scaffolding.

But the other leading frameworks have some of those great qualities too

The first big growth period was when the Laravel community started using Vue. All the people in Laravel started using it because it was so much better than JQuery. They did that even before 1.0 was released.

1.0 release helped people to adopt because they started seeing it as a stable library.

2.0 introduced new features; making Vue lighter, faster and better in every way.

Stable Releases

With the React licensing issue, Vue got an extra boost.

The Apache Foundation Bans React

WordPress says it isn’t comfortable with Facebook’s BSD+Patents license

It mainly made many people realize they could also use Vue instead of React.

Facebook officially switches to the MIT license

Why Vue is much better than all other frameworks?

I'm just kidding

Don't kill me :)

Angular vs React vs Vue

Quick comparason

Angular has a steep learning curve, considering it is a complete solution, and mastering Angular requires you to learn associated concepts like TypeScript and MVC.


Even though it takes time to learn Angular, the investment pays dividends in terms of understanding how the front end works.

React offers a Getting Started guide that should help one set up React in about an hour.

The documentation is thorough and complete, with solutions to common issues already present on StackOverflow.

React is not a complete framework and advanced features require the use of third-party libraries. This makes the learning curve of the core framework not so steep but depends on the path you take with additional functionality.

However, learning to use React does not necessarily mean that you are using the best practices.

Vue provides higher customizability and hence is easier to learn than Angular or React.


Vue has an overlap with Angular and React with respect to their functionality like the use of components. Hence, the transition to Vue from either of the two is an easy option.

Angular is the most mature of the frameworks, has good backing in terms of contributors and is a complete package.


However, the learning curve is steep and concepts of development in Angular may put off new developers.


Angular is a good choice for companies with large teams and developers who already use TypeScript.

React is just old enough to be mature and has a huge number of contributions from the community. It is gaining widespread acceptance.


The job market for React is really good, and the future for this framework looks bright.


React looks like a good choice for someone getting started with front-end JavaScript frameworks, startups, and developers who like some flexibility.

Vue is pretty new to the arena, without the backing of a major company.

However, it has done really well in the last few years to come out as a strong competitor for Angular and React.


Vue should be your choice if you prefer simplicity, but also like flexibility.


The ability to integrate with other frameworks seamlessly gives it a great advantage for those who would like some flexibility in their code.

We choose frameworks by stars & downloads



Better way to choose dependencies



What is the real state of Vue

Real measurements

NPM packages depending on

Stats from 12.9.19

GitHub topics

Stats from 12.9.19

Stack Overflow trends


Google trends

Chrome extensions


Stats from 12.9.19

being #3 out of the top 3 frameworks is pretty damn good

What is going on in Israel?

VueJS Israel






VueJS Israel JOBS


Officially recognized and backed-up by

Established on 02/2019



Vue.js Community

Vue.js Israel Group



Some more groups and places

VueJS Israel Vision 

EVERYTHING for the Vue Community in Israel

Supporting developers need

Exchange knowledge

High quality meetups and workshops

Connect Vue developers together





Mamram programming school, considered one of the best sources of high-quality software professionals in the world.

Teaches Vue.js as part of their software training


בית הספר הצה"לי למקצועות המחשב וההגנה בסייבר

How to build a successful open source project

in 6 easy steps

Understand "Success"

For me, a successful open source project means, its widely used by others and is used extensively for the problem context.

Other ways of measuring open-source project success

  • Downloads from source repository or package repository.
  • Github stars.
  • Github forks.
  • Active contributors.
  • Active users.
  • Community members.

Solve a real problem

Build something you are using at first


Create an excellent README.md and documentation

Showcase with demos and screenshots


Make it stable and free of vulnerabilities


Build a community around it

A successful open source project is built on efficient communication and active community


Let the world know

Speak about the project regularly


Keep working on it.


Thank you

Vue.js - An Open Source Fairytale

By Dima Vishnevetsky

Vue.js - An Open Source Fairytale

How Vue.JS compeletes with Google/Facebook own JS frameworks - Dima Vishnevetsky , Vue.JS Israeli community

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