Nicholas A. Christakis, PhD

American sociologist and physician

known for his research on social networks

James H. Fowler, PhD

American social scientist

" How Your Friends' Friends' Friends Affect Everything You Feel, Think, and Do.


In the thick of it

Network patterns

The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Unconnected group

Bucket brigade

Telephone tree

Military squads

Ties types

  • Ephemeral
  • Lifelong
  • Casual
  • Intense
  • Personal
  • Anonymous

Rules of Life in the Network

Rule 1:

We shape our Network

Rule 2:

Our Network shape us

Rule 3:

Our friend affect us

Rule 4:

Our friends' friends' friends affect us

Rule 5:

The Network has a life of it's own


When you smile, the world smiles with you

Epidemic of laughter



... typically affect our physical state.

... are associated with specific

 neurophysiological activity.

... are associated with visible behaviors.


Affective Afference

Facial - feedback theory

Tracking the Spread of Emotions


How far your did emotions travel in the network?

Happiness is thus not merely a function of individual experience or choice, it is also a property of groups of people

Feeling in love

Beig in love is a key mechanism by which social ties are formed.


By Daniel Llano Bermúdez


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